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Updated: August 29, 2024

It does not appear that the union was a very happy one; for he relates that he once left his wife for five years. A diary written by an unknown barrister informs us, February 12, 1602: 'Ben Jonson, the poet, nowe lives upon one Townesend and scornes the world. In the society of gallants and lords, the young poet felt himself most at home.

And the greater more genty for a Cavallier. Why, there's a Ball to night in the Strand and tomorrow I had a purpose to waite upon you to the pictures; I ha' bespoke regalias there, too. There will be a new play shortly, a pretty Comedy written by a profest Scholler: he scornes to take money for his witt, as the Poetts doe. Lady. He is Charitable to the Actors. Sis.

Another a siren smiling when the sea rageth and ships are ouerwhelmed, including a cruell woman, that laughs, singes and scornes at her louers tears, and the tempests of his despaire, the word Cuncta pereunt, all my labor is ill imploid. A third being troubled with a curst, a trecherous and wanton wanton wife, vsed this similitude.

But for this, the joyful hope of this, Whol'd beare the scornes of flattery of the world, Scorned by the right rich, the rich curssed of the poore?

I have tried All modest meanes to give him notice of My violent love, but he, more dull then earth, Either conceives them not or else, possessd With full affection of my daughter, scornes me. Tho. Madam, wilt please you to deliver your pleasure? Lady.

I charge ye draw your Guard off and disperce 'em: I have a powre as full as theirs. Cap. You'll find not; And I must have ye with me. Bar. And am I subiect That have stood the brunt of all their busines, And when they slept watcht to secure their slombers, Subiect to slights, to scornes, to taynts, to tortures? To feed one privat mallice am I betrayd?

We know your oild tongue; and your rethorique Will hardly work on us that are acquainted With what faire language your ill purposes Are ever cloathd, nor ever wilbe won To undervalue him whose least fam'd service Scornes to be put in ballance with the best Of all your Counsailes; and for his faith, O heaven! It do's as far transcend yours in your praires As light do's darkness. Leid.

Alas, twenty pipes of Barmudas a day, six flagons of March beere, a quart of Sack in a weeke, for he scornes meate; and the kitching wench to bring the shirt to him and the only band, for Cuffs he gets none but such as his drunkennes procures him with quarrelling. Un. No, I shall be bashfull to learne of a stranger, thou sha't goe seeke out Captaine Sackburye. Tho.

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