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Updated: August 9, 2024

He said he hadn't seen you for a long time, wondered whether you'd go down to Rendlesham for a few weeks. He wants a catalogue of his prints, and there are some old manuscripts he would like your opinion about. I'm going down this week-end. What shall I tell him?" David put down his pipe. "Tell him I'm much obliged later on perhaps I can't leave my duties while these Zeppelin scares last.

How does the Roman Catholic Church do it? Somebody says she does it all by appealing to men's fears, she scares men into penitence and devotion. Do you think that that is a fair explanation? I do not think so. I can conceive how she might frighten people for one generation, or for two, but I can not conceive how she could frighten a dozen generations.

Certainly one crying evil exists which ought to be dealt with promptly and effectively in accordance with the dictates of common sense as well as common morality. I refer to the trade in armaments carried on by private companies, whose only interest it is to foment, or perhaps actually to produce, war scares in order that munitions of war may be greedily purchased.

"You mean at the time you were staying there?" "Of course, it was not in my absence. I remember there was a hatchet printed at the top of it. Allow me." "Yes, here's a hatchet. You see, a hatchet." "Well, is it the hatchet that scares you?" "No, it's not... and I am not scared; but this business... it is a business; there are circumstances." "What sort? That it's come from the factory? He he!

Fortunately these last raids were always made on the south side of the Reservation. We were happily on the north side, and though we had frequent scares they never gave us serious trouble. So here were my duties and my pleasures. The saddle horses when not in use were in my care. The cattle also, of course, needed looking after. I was in the saddle all day.

Prudence uttered a surprised squeak, like a mouse being stepped on, jerked herself to a half-standing posture, and the potatoes rolled to every point of the compass. "Goodness gracious gallop!" she ejaculated, quite shaken out of her usual calm. "I should think, Ira, as many times as I've told you that scares me most into a conniption, that you'd signal me when you're going to take snuff.

The three stood grinning, with their hats off; but behind their gayety the Virginian read some other purpose. "We'll all be very good," said Honey Wiggin. "Pretty good," said Lin. "Good," said Scipio. "Which is the honest man?" inquired Molly, glad to see them. "Not one!" said the Virginian. "My old friends scare me when I think of their ways." "It's bein' engaged scares yu'," retorted Mr. McLean.

"Here fer my bounties," another would say. Then they both took a long look around them. "Wish't I was back t' the shanty." "So do I." "Scares me." "Too many houses an' too many women folks." "An' if ye wan' t' git a meal o' vittles, it costs ye three mushrats."

"She thought it was a wily rat, and watched to see it move, She looked again, and saw that it was nothing but a glove!" improvised Nora Proctor, who was fond of Alice, and had rather a taste for parody. "It was such a disappointment to us, when we were waiting to hear the scuffle," said Marjorie Butler. "We shan't believe in your scares next time," said Effie.

Was the grandmother really dead? What was she to do with the Latin feriæ? Mr. Strachan Davidson's explanation is perhaps the best, that Cicero means that the old lady was thinking of the Social War in B.C. 89, when the loyalty of the Latin towns must have been a subject of anxiety. She is in her dotage and only remembers old scares. This is understanding civitates with Latinæ.

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