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Updated: August 25, 2024

And you the same, Mrs. Rooney, tinfold. Mr. O'Blaney has his sarvices to you, ma'am: no, not his sarvices, but his compliments, that was the word his kind compliments, that was the very word. Catty. The counshillor's always very kind to me, and genteel. Pat.

Mulford I know by the way you've got rid of the first bowl-full that you are ready for another, and there it is I'll not deny it, and all I can say is that you are heartily welcome to my sarvices." "I thank you, Jack; but all this only makes me more desirous of being of use to you, now, when it's in my power. I wish you to stick by me, and not to return to the Swash.

"I know who he is," said True; "why, it's he that lives in the great stone house in street. He's a rich man, and that's the number of his store his counting-room rather on Wharf!" "What! father to those pretty children we used to see in the window?" "The very same." "What can he want of me?" "Very likely he wants your sarvices," suggested True.

Whin war was declared, he offered his own sarvice an' th' sarvices iv his ar-rmy iv fifty thousan' men to th' United States; an', while waitin' f'r ships to arrive, he marched at th' head iv his tin thousan' men down to Sandago de Cuba an' captured a cigar facthry, which they soon rayjooced to smokin' ruins.

What business had you with the pipeclay? But I do think I have reason to be angry elsewhere, when I reflect that after having lost my two legs in defending her, my country is now to take from me my boy in his prime. It's but a poor reward for long and hard service poor encouragement to do your duty; but what do they care? they have had my sarvices, and they have left me a hulk.

"'Tis better for both that I shouldn't take advantage of your own forgetfulness, Judith. We can never marry." "You do not love me, cannot find it in your heart, perhaps, to esteem me, Deerslayer!" "Everything in the way of fri'ndship, Judith everything, even to sarvices and life itself.

"To think of his pretending love for one like Mabel, too, when he felt none." "That was bad, sartainly; the fellow must have had Mingo blood in his veins. The man that deals unfairly by a woman can be but a mongrel, lad; for the Lord has made them helpless on purpose that we may gain their love by kindness and sarvices.

"Oblaged to you, we suppose, for your sarvices an' we're not denyin' that, aither." "For me sarvices maybe thim same sarvices wasn't very sweet or treaclesome to some o' thim," she rejoined, with a mysterious and somewhat indignant toss of the head.

Ivrything in th' pa-aper inthrests me. Here's th' inside news iv a cillybrated murdher thrile blossomin' out in th' heat. Here's a cillybrated lawyer goin' to th' cillybrated murdherer an' demandin' an increase in th' honoraryum iv his cillybrated collague. Lawyers don't take money. What they get f'r their public sarvices in deludin' a jury is th' same as an offerin' in a church.

They was holdin' this position Gin'ral Garshy an' his gallant wan thousan' men whin Gin'ral Shafter arrived. Gin'ral Garshy immedjitly offered th' sarvices iv himsilf an' his two hundherd men f'r th' capture iv Sandago; an', when Gin'ral Shafter arrived, there was Gin'ral Garshy with his gallant band iv fifty Cubians, r-ready to eat at a minyit's notice.

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