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Updated: August 25, 2024

Lieutenant Saltwell went in the barge, the third lieutenant in the launch, and the lieutenant of marines, with the senior mate, in the cutter, the oars of all the boats being muffled, so that no sound would betray their approach to the enemy.

"There's farewell to the wind for Mr Grego." "Lower the boats, Mr Saltwell," was heard in the deep tones of the captain's voice. The first lieutenant repeated the order. Mr Brown's whistle was next heard piping the boats away, and getting out the cutter, and in another minute the crews and the respective officers were in them, waiting for the commander to shove off.

Rayner was not aware that Mr Saltwell had obtained permission for Pierre to go back with his father, and was much surprised on being directed to go to Mrs Crofton's, and to escort him on board the brig.

"The wind has dropped very much, sir," said Mr Saltwell to the captain. "It has," replied Captain Fleetwood. "I know what you would say Get the boats ready for hoisting out. We'll overhaul her in them, if it falls calm, as I trust it will. As yet, she goes faster ahead than we should pull. I will go with them, and you, Saltwell, must take charge of the ship."

For an instant only, Fleetwood went alongside the Ione to put his Greek friend on board, and to order Saltwell to get everything ready for weighing the instant he returned, and he then pulled off to the frigate to make a report of what had occurred, and to advise the instant pursuit of the pirate.

"Sail, ho!" was the welcome sound which reached the deck from the mast-head. The usual question of "Where away?" was put by Mr Saltwell, in return. "On the larboard quarter, sir," was the answer. "What does she look like?" "A ship right before the wind, sir." "I trust she is a friend come to our assistance," said Captain Fleetwood. "We'll stand down to meet her. Put the ship about, Mr Saltwell."

Rayner steered his boat under the stern. The master was the first to descend, Mr Saltwell came next, and the captain was the last to leave her. "Pull away, Rayner," he said, in a calm voice. "We have reason to be thankful to Providence that she has not blown up yet, for at any moment the fire may reach the magazine, and there is still powder enough, I understand, to send the fragments far around."

Bill, however, found that he was not forgotten, from a kind word or two which on several occasions the first lieutenant bestowed upon him. As Tom was not aware of this, he amused himself by telling Bill that Mr Saltwell would not trouble himself more about him that he must be content to remain a powder monkey until he got big enough to be rated as an ordinary seaman.

If not, we will, by Heaven, try what our own brave fellows and the crew of the Ypsilante can do to rescue their captain, or avenge their deaths." "Bravo, Mr Saltwell, I am rejoiced to hear you say this," exclaimed the colonel, warmly grasping the lieutenant's hand. "And I and Mitchell will act as volunteers with the marines. I wish we had done this at first.

He told Pierre that he must report his state to the Captain and Mr Saltwell, who would decide what he was to do. Captain Turgot went back with him, having nowhere else to go. Captain Martin lost no time in carrying out the wishes of the kind king. A brig was chartered as a cartel, on board of which the Frenchmen were at once sent.

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