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The loud, preposterous moral crusades that so endlessly rock the republic against the rum demon, against Sunday baseball, against Sunday moving-pictures, against dancing, against fornication, against the cigarette, against all things sinful and charming these astounding Methodist jehads offer fat clinical material to the student of mobocracy.

"They were drunken fellows, no doubt," said Wanita. "It is told of the Sieur Cadillac that he weakened the rum and would allow a man only so much. It is a pity there is no such strictness now. The White Chief tries." "Is he chief of the Indians?" she asked, vaguely. "Oh, no.

"Not in the Carral country, I hope." "N-no. On second thoughts that would be only running away. I'm not going to run away. Wounds as bad as mine have healed with a bit of nursing, and Well, good-by. Say good-by to your father and mother for me, will you? especially to your governor. Rum old chap, but sound sound as as Shakespeare and the Bible. Good-by once more. Meet again some time."

S.A. Burchard doomed Blaine to defeat when he said: "We are Republicans, and we do not intend to leave our party to identify ourselves with a party whose antecedents have been Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion." Today it would be hard to find a hotel below Forty-second Street that still continues on what is known as the American plan.

Thus with his spotless flag unfurled He went against the Demon Rum Who snarled, "I vum!" And siss-boom-ah! Three cheers for Health and Christian Love! But, Andrew dear Say, now, look here! You're not including wine and beer!" Then Andrew Volstead squared his chin And answered briefly, "Sin is sin." No compromise With the King of Lies!

In addition to the clergy reserves, grants were made to officials, to militia men, to the children of United Empire Loyalists and others, in the hope that these persons would settle on the land. Many of these fell into the hands of speculators and jobbers, who bought farms of two hundred acres for prices ranging from a gallon of rum to £5. "The greater part of these grants," said Mr.

"Faith! he's a rum old beggar, Wargrave," broke in Burke. "Looks like the Pope av Rome in his thriple crown, for he wears a high gold-edged cap and a flowing red robe av Chinese silk, out av which sticks a pair av hairy bare legs." "The Political Officer receives him in durbar; and we furnish a Guard of Honour. The Colonel gives a dinner to him and us, and we have another spread in the Mess.

"A regular RUM 'un" was the form in which the application of the word "rum" to strange, difficult, or distinguished, was first introduced to the British public.

Either George was of different fibre to me, or the rum had been neither hot enough nor sufficiently strong, for on awaking I found myself full of pain, the least movement an agony, my head throbbing woefully and I burning with fever.

He passed the rum omelet with a steady hand. But his serious mien had attracted the ambulance boys and upon the room of his office in the big brick hospital they had scrawled in chalk, "Defense absolutement de rire!" "It's absolutely forbidden to laugh." Evidently American humour got on his nerves.