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Possum was telephoned for, and he called to see Uncle Wiggily. "Ha! Hum!" exclaimed the doctor, looking very wise. "You have the rheumatism very bad, Mr. Longears." "Why, I knew that before you came," said the old gentleman rabbit, blinking his eyes. "What I want is something to cure it." "Ha! Hum!" said Dr. Possum, again looking very wise. "I think you need a change of air. You must travel about.

It was an aged and decrepit Renault, held together with string and wire, and suffering so badly from asthma and rheumatism that more than once I feared it would die on my hands before I reached my destination. It had as nurses two Annamites, who took unwarranted liberties with the truth by describing themselves as mechaniciens. Accompanying them were two sullen-faced Chinese.

Should the Maoris die out, the medical verdict might be summed up in the one word tuberculosis. The first European observers noted that they suffered from "galloping" consumption. Skin disorders, rheumatism and a severe kind of influenza were other ailments.

Meanwhile, those churches are like a man with chronic rheumatism, very quiet not because they admire rheumatism, but because there is no use kicking with a swollen foot, since it would hurt them more than the object assaulted. If a pastorate can be maintained only through conflict or ecclesiastical tyranny, it might better be abandoned.

And with what unerring gift of prophecy could he foretell the long and husky droughts of summer the gracious rains, at last, the milk-sick breeding autumn and the blighting winter, simply by the way his bones felt after a century's casual attack of inflammatory rheumatism!

One advertiser professes to give 'the philosophy of the science; another undertakes to 'reveal the secret, so as to enable any person to make the experiments; and another undertakes the cure of 'palsy, deafness, and rheumatism. Lectures on the topic, in London and in the provincial towns, are now exciting great astonishment in the minds of many, and give rise to considerable controversy respecting the theory and the modus operandi.

On the occasion of our visit there were in the infirmary 7 men laid up: 1 with itch, 1 with diarrhoea, 1 with neuralgia, 1 with an abscess in the neck, 1 with articular rheumatism, and 1 with gastritis. A prisoner who had been trepanned by the doctors on account of damage done to his skull before his capture, was gradually recovering the power of motion and his normal sensibility.

The boy commenced one of those wild, grotesque songs common among the negroes, in a rich, clear voice, accompanying his singing with many comic evolutions of the hands, feet, and whole body, all in perfect time to the music. "Bravo!" said Haley, throwing him a quarter of an orange. "Now, Jim, walk like old Uncle Cudjoe, when he has the rheumatism," said his master.

I next commenced to skin my trophy and found it a very tough job to perform by myself. He proved to be a very fat beast, so I knew that Mahina would make a few honest and well-earned rupees out of him, for Indians will give almost anything for lion fat, believing that it is an infallible cure for rheumatism and various other diseases.

"No, I am not satisfied!" declared King Terribus. "Why do you not lash your tail?" "Ah, I can't do that!" replied the Dragon. "It's all stiffened up with rheumatism from the dampness of my cave. It hurts too much to lash it." "Well, then, gnash your teeth!" commanded the king.