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I was indebted to the distinction of my manners, to the resonance of my voice, which the president of the administrative council has had a chance to appreciate at the meetings of the Caisse Territoriale, for the privilege of taking part in that sumptuous festivity, where I stood for three hours in the reception-room, amid flowers and draperies, dressed in scarlet and gold, with the majestic bearing peculiar to persons who exert some little authority, and with my calves exposed for the first time in my life, and sent the name of each guest like the report of a cannon into the long line of five salons, a resplendent footman saluting each time with the bing of his halberd on the floor.

Probably it was little over a minute when the man outside knocked again a loud, sepulchral, single knock, with determination in it. Its resonance in the empty house was awful to the lonely hearer. But Aunt M'riar's capacity for mere dread was full to the brim. She was on the brink of the reaction of fear, which is despair or, rather, desperation.

A tiny resonance device you could carry in your belt-bag attunes itself to the natural harmonic of a structure and then increases amplitude by tiny pushes exactly in time. Just like soldiers marching in step can break down a bridge, only this is as if it were being done by one marching ant."

Its fine variety of compass, and its musical resonance of tone, fell with such enchantment on the ear, that I should have liked to put a book of poetry into her hand, and to have heard her read it in summer-time, accompanied by the music of a rocky stream.

From this it can be perceived that with a certain degree of skill and willingness to work, every voice will be capable of great extension. The sensation of the resonance of the head cavities is perceived chiefly by those who are unaccustomed to using the head tones.

It is quite true that the old resonance of the voice is not there, and it is true that now and then he shows signs of physical fatigue, and that recently after his cold there were some days when his voice was little better than a very distinct, but also a very pathetic, whisper. But there is another side.

These sensations were then made the basis of a theory of vocal resonance, which has since been adopted by the great majority of vocal scientists. Until the publication of Helmholtz's work vocal theorists had known practically nothing of acoustics.

It is a melodious evolution of moments, each of which contains the resonance of those preceding and announces the one which is going to follow; it is a process of enriching which never ceases, and a perpetual appearance of novelty; it is an indivisible, qualitative, and organic becoming, foreign to space, refractory to number.

When it is borne in mind that the vocal bands have little or nothing to do with the quality of tones, the importance of those parts of the vocal apparatus which determine quality, and the error of speaking of the larynx as if it alone were the sole vocal organ, become apparent. It may be strictly said that the vocal bands serve the purpose of making the resonance mechanism available.

She slammed the door, her jeering laugh penetrating the partition with hideous resonance. After the woman had gone Barbara got up, her lips set in resolute lines. Once in the hall she started to walk toward the stairs, when she saw the cowboy of the stable lounging against the rail on the platform. He saw her at the instant she looked at him, and he grinned hugely.