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Meeting her again was like seeing the clouds disperse, which, since our last meeting, had darkened my artistic horizon. The Nuremberg operatic company had a very limited repertoire.

If England brings out a comic song of questionable art, six months later that song will have made its way to Holland, and will have taken a popular place in a Dutch street musician's repertoire; it will be whistled in many different keys by butcher and baker boys, and will be heard issuing painfully from the wonderful mechanism of the superfluous concertina.

There was no german that morning, and the hotel band was going through its repertoire for the benefit of a champagne party on the lawn. There was nothing melancholy about this party; and King couldn't help saying to Mrs. Farquhar that it hardly represented his idea of the destitution and depression resulting from the war; but she replied that they must do something to keep up their spirits.

I hope the new year will bring some things to a better issue, and have many good things in store for you. Enclosed I send you this week's repertoire of the Weymar theatre, in which you will see the announcement of "Lohengrin" for next Sunday. For the first time I shall not conduct this work to which I am attached with my whole soul.

An innate comprehension of his thought permitted them to follow all the fluctuations of his azure wave. There is one thing which is worth inquiring into before we close this chapter, for it may help us to a deeper insight into Chopin's character as a teacher I mean his teaching repertoire.

He resigned himself to go through all his repertoire, was a dead dog, begged, leaped a stick back and forth, went lame, and in his newly awakened interest performed several tricks of which she had been unaware. Her joyful cries of commendation "Played an encore! an encore! He did, he did! Cutest old dog in the United States!" caught Mrs. Keene's attention.

The close of 1779 was occupied by a winter journey to Switzerland. Two days were spent at Frankfort with Goethe's parents. Sesenheim was visited, and left with satisfaction and contentment. At Strasburg they found as to Lessing. The repertoire of the Weimar theater was stocked with pieces of solid merit, which long held their place.

A motor boat undoubtedly has a larger and fancier repertoire of cute tricks and unexpected ways than anything in the nature of machinery. I know this to be true, because I have a relative who suffers from motor-boatitis in an advanced form.

"Suffering!" exclaimed Mr. Keith. "That is what you young poets want. At present you are too unperplexed and glib. Suffering! It would enlarge your repertoire; it would make you more human, individual, and truthful. What is the unforgivable sin in poetry? Lack of candour. How shall there be candour if the poet lacks worldly experience? Suffering! That is what you people want.

"You told me that the Scotch had the hardest heads and the softest hearts of any people that's living," answered Freckles. Duncan grunted in gratified disapproval. Freckles picked up his club and started down the line, whistling cheerily, for he had an unusually long repertoire upon which to draw.