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The attack must be made, and Hooker whose courage no one could question still trying to prevent it, crossed the river himself, went to Burnside and remonstrated. Men who were present have told vivid stories of that scene at the Phillips House.

The brothers indignantly noted it, and even the old man was roused from the placid securities of his theories concerning lachrymose womankind, and remonstrated sometimes, and sometimes grew angry and exhorted her to go back. What did it matter to her how her father was treated?

He was unwilling however to deal harshly with a man who had many titles to respect, and who was not likely to be a very formidable plotter. He therefore declared himself satisfied, and proposed to discharge the prisoner. Some of the Privy Councillors, however, remonstrated; and Penn was required to give bail,

"May I ask what her name is?" "Sydney Westerfield." Mrs. Presty looked at her daughter and smiled satirically. Mrs. Linley remonstrated. "Surely," she said, "you don't object to the young lady's name!" "I have no opinion to offer, Catherine. I don't believe in the name." "Oh, mamma, do you suspect that it's an assumed name?" "My dear, I haven't a doubt that it is.

Some of the best men of the "Vigilantes" came to me and remonstrated, saying that collision would surely result; that it would be terrible, etc. All I could say in reply was, that it was for them to get out of the way. "Remove your fort; cease your midnight councils; and prevent your armed bodies from patrolling the streets."

The windows were flung open, the furniture brushed and renovated, and the solitary charwoman who had been ruler in the lonely rooms so long, was dismissed, and her place taken by a whole retinue of servants. Madame Midas intended to live in style, so went to work over the setting up of her establishment in such an extravagant manner that Archie remonstrated.

I thought the old fool would throw a fit, he was so enraged. So, good-bye to Nephew Stanley!" "Look here, Mr. Oscar; that's no good, you know," remonstrated Pelman. "What's the good of throwing Johnson into jail for five or ten days or perhaps only a fine? He may even have letters from Stan to some one else in Vesper, some one influential; he may beat the case.

'Puddock, throw up that window, the room's too hot or stay never mind; read a book, Puddock, you like it, and I'll stroll a little along the path, and find you when I come back. 'Why it's dark, remonstrated his visitor. 'Dark? I dare say yes, of course very dark but cool; the air is cool.

It remonstrated against the legislation of the clergy in Convocation without the king's assent or that of his subjects, the oppressive procedure of the Church Courts, the abuses of ecclesiastical patronage, and the excessive number of holydays.

Cecil Burleigh laughed and said, "Miss Fairfax is right. She will wear my colors and I will adopt her logic, and, ostrich-like, refuse to see the perils that threaten me." "No, no," remonstrated Bessie casting off her shy reserve under encouragement. "So far from hiding your face, you must make it familiar in every street in Norminster. You must seek if you would find, and ask if you would have.