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Redwald, however, was strongly solicited by the King of Northumberland to kill or deliver up his guest; rich presents were promised him if he would comply, and war denounced against him in case of his refusal.

Now Ottar had been to Penhurst with me, and we had come thence together to the ships. And when the old walls of the great castle were lost to sight as the vessel plunged eastward, he said: "Relf's daughter is a fair maiden, friend Redwald. It is in my mind that she will long to see you back again." "Not so," I answered; "she is but friendly."

The queen moved away to the seat where Eadward had been sitting and took his place, staring out of the window with unseeing eyes. And I was glad that she was no longer beside us. Presently the king raised his head and turned it a little towards me. "Redwald," he said, "you were our companion in Normandy, and you are a trusted friend of ours.

He looked at the Danes, and his face was bright and confident. "How shall we fight, lord earl?" he said to Ulfkytel. "Redwald and I have spoken thereof," the earl answered. "And it seems to us that Olaf's viking plan is best. Let us fight in a wedge, and drive the point through that circle and break it in twain. We of East Anglia will willingly make the point, as we are on our own ground."

Edwin being woonderouslie amazed, thanked his friend, but refused to depart the countrie, sith he had no iust cause outwardlie giuen to play such a slipper part, choosing rather to ieopard his life with honour, than to giue men cause to thinke that he had first broken promise with such a prince as Redwald was, to whome he had giuen his faith.

"I can hide until it does come," she said. And then, for my face must have shown all the doubt that I felt, she spoke very kindly to me. "Trust the old witch who wishes you well, Redwald, my son; she who has nursed Hertha for so long will care for her till the last; safe she will be until you return to find her when the foolishness of Ethelred is paid for." "Where can you hide?"

How came you there? and this is Elfric; you have saved him." "God has delivered us." "But you have been the instrument; you must tell me all another time, get him into shelter quickly. "Here, men, bear him to the priory, while we stay to do our duty here. "Alfred, you must not linger." "One favour, my lord and king; show mercy to Ragnar, to Redwald, you know not how sad his story has been."

He looked from its windows; the party of Redwald had disappeared behind the trees. He came down and gave the signal. The sad procession started; they descended the steps to the courtyard.

This prince, now grown to man's estate, wandered from place to place in continual danger from the attempts of Adelfrid, and received at last protection in the court of Redwald, King of the East Angles, where his engaging and gallant deportment procured him general esteem and affection.

I suppose the earl's housecarle thought I was unarmed. "I am Redwald," I said, putting the scabbard on the table, and so leaving my right hand free. "I hear an uncivilly-given message enough. And I think the earl has not sent for me in such terms as those." The man raised his hand a little and made a sign, and I heard the quick steps of men crossing the street with clatter of steel.