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The well-gloved hands were moreover warmly ensconced in enormous stuffed muffs of bearskin which were almost as large as a flour barrel, or in smaller muffs of rabbit-skin or mink or beaver.

Jamie exclaimed, "it's snowin'." Some one was kicking the snow off against the door-post. The latch was lifted and in walked Felix Boyle the bogman. "What th' blazes are ye in th' dark fur?" Felix asked in a deep, hoarse voice. His old rabbit-skin cap was pulled down over his ears, his head and shoulders were covered with snow. As he shook it off we shivered.

At last, falling on his knees from the shock of exertion, he got the boat poised on a secure balance on top the wall. Crawling on hands and knees, he placed in the boat his rabbit-skin robe, the rifle, and the pail. He did not bother with the ax. It meant an additional crawl of twenty feet and back, and if the need for it should arise he well knew he would be past all need.

'These are the draws, said the man in the rabbit-skin waistcoat, waving a dirty scrap of paper in a dirtier hand 'these are the draws for the first encounter. He began to read a list of names. The first was answered in a tone of bullying jocundity. The second and the third name each elicited a growl At the call of the fourth name there was no response.

Brown then resumed her seat on the bones, and smoked a very short, black pipe, after which she gave the child a rabbit-skin to carry, that she might appear like her ordinary companion, and led her forth into the streets; but she cautioned her, with threats of deadly vengeance in case of disobedience, to go directly to her father's office in the city, also to wait at the street corner where she would be left, until the clock struck three, and these directions Florence promised faithfully to observe.

"I t'ink I sleep little while," he said. "Can I sleep by your fire?" "Sure!" returned Sam. "Make yourself at home." Musq'oosis brought his blanket from the dugout. "You goin' sleep, too?" he asked. "In a bit," replied Sam uneasily. "Where your blanket?" "Oh, I lost that, too," confessed Sam, blushing. "I got a rabbit-skin robe," said Musq'oosis.

That evening, among other subjects, we discussed the various hunting caps worn by Indian big-game hunters, and The Perfect Woman offered to make me one if I could supply her with the needed material; but when she saw that I had nothing but a double "four-point" Hudson's Bay blanket, she offered to make me a complete suit from that article and to lend me, for the rest of the winter, a rabbit-skin quilt to take the place of the blanket.

Anywheres between Warwick an' Birming'am a native can't 'ardly pass a canal-boat without wantin' to arsk, ''Oo stole the rabbit-skin? I don't know why they arsk it; but when it 'appens, you've got to fight the man or elst I must." "I would suggest that, you being the younger man " "Well, I don't mind," said Sam. "On'y the p'int is I don't scarcely never fight without attractin' notice.

When Dinky-Dunk came down-stairs, half an hour later, he seemed his same old self. He talked and laughed and inquired if Nip and Tuck those are the names he sometimes takes from his team and pins on Poppsy and Pee-Wee had given me a hard day of it and explained that Francois our man on the Harris Ranch had sent down a robe of plaited rabbit-skin for them.

We had stopped for camp and were all together for the first time in four or five hours, when Roxy noticed this rabbit-skin nose protector, upon which the breath had condensed all the afternoon until two long icicles depended from it, one on each side, reaching down below the mouth; and he fell straightway into a fit of laughter that grew uncontrollable; he rolled on the snow and roared.