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Was there ever such a lark!" For a moment his low laugh of wild glee cut off his speech. "What's more, it's the safest place in the world for us. Nobody'd ever think of our being here!" Mrs. De Peyster stared at Matilda, Matilda stared at Mrs. De Peyster. "And it's just what I needed," continued Mr. Pyecroft in amicable confidence.

"But you manage to get pretty good fees out of it Colonel?" continued Pyecroft, with a laugh. "Fees, sir! Filthy shekels! and barely enough to satisfy a debt of honor with one hand, and wipe out a tavern score for the entertainment of er a few lady friends with the other!"

Mayfair and his fellows of the press had vanished, each in the direction of a telephone over which he could hurry this super-sensation into his office. Within the room, all were staring at Mr. Pyecroft, as though in each a whirling chaos were striving to shape itself into speech.

About the longitude of Cassocks, Hinchcliffe yawned. "Aren't we goin' to maroon our Robert? I'm hungry, too." "The commodore wants his money back," I answered. "If he drives like this habitual, there must be a tidyish little lump owin' to him," said Pyecroft. "Well, I'm agreeable." "I didn't know it could be done. S'welp me, I didn't," our guest murmured. "But you will," said Kysh.

"Well, I don't know how you feel about it," said Pyecroft, "but 'avin' seen 'is face for five consecutive nights on end, I'm inclined to finish what's left of the beer an' thank Gawd he's dead!" By they are by with mirth and tears, Wit or the works of Desire Cushioned about on the kindly years Between the wall and the fire.

We run her into the yard here. Pyecroft nodded through the window at my car's glossy back-panels. It overhung a trifle, but after I'd lashed it I knew it wouldn't fetch loose. Thus, in our composite cruiser, we repaired once more to the hotel, and was immediately dispatched to the toy-shop in the High Street where we took aboard one rocking-horse which was waiting for us.

The story is all about the woman from whom it takes its title; but she never for a moment appears upon the scene of action, and is portrayed entirely through her effect upon several different men. Here is a bit of conversation concerning her. "Said Pyecroft suddenly: "'How many women have you been intimate with all over the world, Pritch?

"Yes, Spit-Kid believed it, an' George Anstey and Moon. We were very young an' very curious." "But lovin' an' trustful to a degree," said Pyecroft. "Remember when 'e told us to walk in single file for fear o' bears? 'Remember, Pye, when 'e 'opped about in that bog full o' ferns an' sniffed an' said 'e could smell the smoke of 'is uncle's farm?

"Just think of it all the while he was looking looking a big story straight in the face!" She was off to tell Jack. "One might add, looking two big stories straight in the face, eh, Angelica, my dear?" chuckled Mr. Pyecroft, alias Mr. Preston. One might add, three big stories, shivered Mrs. De Peyster. But she did not add this aloud. The amused smile which Mr.

Does she decant her innards often, so to speak?" Pyecroft asked. I told him the true tale of a race-full of ball bearings strewn four miles along a Hampshire road, and by me recovered in detail. He was profoundly touched. "Poor Hinch! Poor poor Hinch!" he said. "And that's only one of her little games, is it? He'll be homesick for the Navy by night."