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Updated: August 20, 2024

"Jasper, you don't know what you're a talkin' about, but you air puffeckly nat'ral as long as you're a sayin' suthin' ag'in women. You don't understand 'em at all." "And ef I did I'd be smarter than old Solomon. He had fo' or five hundred of 'em about him and he didn't understand even the most foolish one of 'em. How air you goin' to understand a critter that don't understand herse'f?

Cookie complied, joining respectfully in the captain's mirth. "I guess you-all is got stronger haids den dat young gennelmun!" he remarked. "Dis yere ole niggah has help hissef mighty freely and dat Prohibititionist Miss Harding ain't eveh found it out. Fac' is, it am puffeckly harmless 'cept when de haid is weak." False, false Cookie! Black brother in perfidy to Mr. Tubbs!

"She hasn't much money to speak of, has she?" For an instant I looked again at the fierce countenance of King Cettiwayo, and then he changed back to an extortionate old Negro hack driver. "She ain't gwine to starve, suh," he said slowly. "She has reso'ces, suh; she has reso'ces." "I shall pay you fifty cents for the trip," said I. "Dat is puffeckly correct, suh," he answered humbly.

"'Boss, says Duckfoot, 'some folks 'low dis hoss am Frien'less, but hit ain'. Ef hits Frien'less, an' yo' puts yo' han' hyar on his belly dey is a rough-feelin' scab. Dis hoss am puffeckly smo-o then he stops 'n' begins to get ashy 'round the mouth. "'Well? says the colonel. 'What's the matter? "'Lawd Gawd, boss!

"'I've lost my niggah and my instruments, Sam, says the doctah, 'but that's no reason why the damyankees should have the satisfaction of killin' a puffeckly good rebel, when there's not enough to go around now. Hold your leg still, says he, rollin' up his sleeves, 'an' with the help of God and my scissahs and my shirt-tail, I'll save it for you. An' he did.

She was here to lunching a few days before the moider, an' she says she always sat at the table in the dining room to eat, after Miss Van Allen got through. An' she says that knife was there, 'cos they had steak, an' she used it herself. I described the fork puffeckly, an' she reckernized it at onct." "You're a bright boy!" I exclaimed in involuntary tribute to this clever bit of work.

In that respeck we air sorter like wild hogs. I've seed a dog chaw a wild pig all to pieces an' he tuck it with never a squeal mout have grunted a little, but he didn't squeal. Puffeckly nat'ral to grunt under sich circumstances, ain't it?" "Oh, what do I care for yo' nonsense?" "Nonsense! The affairs of the human fam'ly ain't nonsense, is they? Heigho, but she's a mighty good woman."

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