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His signs warn't no good; people couldn't understand them and he prob'ly couldn't himself, but he done a sight of goo-gooing, and so everybody was satisfied, and admired to hear him go it. He toted a piece of slate around, and a pencil; and people wrote questions on it and he wrote answers; but there warn't anybody could read his writing but Brace Dunlap.

Wonder if they've sailed yet," with a thought of the travellers. "The steamer doesn't sail till eleven; don't you remember? Prob'ly they're just getting up. Come, Eunice, get up. I hear the boys, now." Cricket scrambled out of bed and ran to the window to peep out. "There they go now for their swim. Boys!

"Well, excuse me; I thought prob'ly you were sore because he'd jollied you about this pacifist stuff, and then " "No!" she said, sharply. "I'm not thinking of his having agreed with me and fooling me about it. He just wanted to make a pleasant impression on a girl, and said anything he thought would please her. I don't care whether he does things like that or not.

He cuts across to the railroad to have a sure footing, and strikin' for the deepo for shelter near place as any except Briscoes' where he'd said good-night already and prob'ly don't wish to go back, 'fear of givin' trouble or keepin' 'em up anybody can understand that. He comes along, and gets to where we are precisely at the time they do, them comin' from town, him strikin' for it.

"I found it on the shore, where it was prob'ly washed up by the waves," she answered. "And now, sir, if you don't mind, I'll wind up your action." "That will please me ve-ry much," said the machine.

If he sees you going he can't quit in the middle of his song to stop you. He'll know I put you wise, and he'll prob'ly half kill me for it. But it's worth it. You get." And Terry dazed, shaking, but grateful fled. Down the noisy aisle, up the stairs, to the street. Back to her rooming house. Out again, with her suitcase, and into the right railroad station somehow, at last.

Sime Hemingway tried to tell him but his swollen tongue would not behave. Instead, he waved in the general direction of the Sun. Tolto understood. "From Earth? Good guy, prob'ly. Want this dingus?" Sime was able to take the neuro-pistol. He knew what was expected of him, and strove to collect his faculties so he could obey orders.

But, as I was saying, I don't think that sort of talk does much harm: everybody knows it goes on among the pro-Germans, and it's all hot air, anyhow. But I think Linski's sort of talk does do harm, prob'ly among people that don't know much; and what's more, I think Dora Yocum's does some, too. Well, you hit Linski in the snoot, so what are you Sit still! My lord!

Perhaps she will let you go after a while. Now do be a good boy while I am away, won't you? Don't do any naughty things." "I won't do them if I know they're naughty," conceded Lionel Hezekiah. "But that's just the trouble; I don't know what's naughty and what ain't. Prob'ly if I went to Sunday school I'd find out."

"Pete Hillary, I make for you This lonesome, sad complaint. Alive you wa'nt no use, 'tis true, And dead you prob'ly ain't. "Pete Hillary, Pete Hillary, I don't know where you are. Here's luck to you, Pete Hillary, Beyond the harbour bar." Just then Irish came running up the path, and climbed the ladder on deck, and he cried: "It's a warrant for ye, Kid I Run! Oh, wirra! What did ye do it for?"