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"But you can't have a picnic without things to eat," objected Marjorie. "We'll have things to eat," declared Kitty, calmly. "Where'll you get 'em?" "Kitchen." "Kit, you're a genius! Prob'ly Eliza's pantry is just chock-a-block with good things! And as I know they were made for us, we may as well eat some now." Then Molly had an inspiration.

Well, you won't be you when you're the Boy, so prob'ly it won't matter." On the sixth day the last thing she cut her hair off. She did it with her eyes shut to give herself courage, but the snips of the shears broke her heart. The Little Girl had always loved her soft, shining hair. It had been like a beautiful thing apart from her, that she could caress and pet.

I prob'ly won't happen to have another talk with her, or anything, all the time we're in college." "No," Fred admitted, "I suppose not. Of course, if you did, then you would give her quite a talking-to, just the way you did the other time, wouldn't you?" But upon that, another resumption of physical violence put an end to the conversation.

My principle is, if a man smites me on the right cheek I'll turn my left to him, prob'ly; but if he insinooates that my gran'mother wasn't all right, I'll punch his hed.

She slapped the pages of a magazine with an irritable clatter. "I suppose he was trying to make love to some hotel waitress or manicure girl or somebody." "Hang it, you're always letting on that Paul goes round chasing skirts. He doesn't, in the first place, and if he did, it would prob'ly be because you keep hinting at him and dinging at him so much.

Of course we reckoned that a new boss would prob'ly be comin' along pretty quick and we thought we'd wait and find out just what he wanted us to do." "Well, it will be the same old boss and the same old plan," replied Parker curtly. The idea that the men had considered him such easy prey made him indignant.

"I presume he wanted her company," Wallie replied, composedly, entertained by the ferocity of Pinkey's expression. "Is he a dude or is he a duder that he has to go guidin' people to see sights they prob'ly don't want to look at?" "She seemed willing enough to go," Wallie answered.

"Ain't this fine," said Yan, as he sat on a pile of Fir boughs in the wigwam. "Looks like the real thing," replied Sam from his seat on the other side. "But say, Yan, don't make any more fire; it's kind o' warm here, an' there seems to be something wrong with that flue wants sweepin', prob'ly hain't been swep' since I kin remember." The fire blazed up and the smoke increased.

Now it was the very next day after this that Mary-go-round an' the Boss plans another scout. I'm to go, too. It was a Wednesday, an' we lay it out that the Cockeye would prob'ly shoot that day so's to get his fish down to the railroad Thursday, so they'd reach Sacramento Friday fish day, see. It wasn't much to go by, but it was the high card in our hand, an' we allowed to draw to it.

I was going to have a little celebration down here some night pretty soon, and bring some port wine, like we drink at school in our crowd there, and I was going to get my grandfather to give the club an extra room across the hall, and prob'ly I could get my Uncle George to give us his old billiard table, because he's got a new one, and the club could put it in the other room.