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"You don't expect us to drink fire-water. If you kept decent Rye it would be different. We're going to have a flutter. Any room?" "Number two, I guess. Chock-a-block in the others. Tolerable run on poker these times. All the round-up hands been gettin' advances, I take it. Say when." The four men said "when" in due course, and each watered his own whisky.

'E 'd get a couple of chiefs on board by deceiving 'em with rum, and hold 'em until 'is bloomin' schooner was chock-a-block with copra. The 'ole island would be working itself to death to free the chiefs. Then when 'e 'ad got the copra, 'e 'd steal a 'undred or two Kanakas and sell 'em in South America. "'E was smart, and yet 'e got 'is'n.

I was saying a little prayer and trying not to feel lonesome, and then I looked round and saw you." "End of volume one!" cried Janet briskly. "No more waiting-rooms, my dear. You must come to us for the whole of Christmas Day. I wish I could ask you to stay, but we are chock-a-block with cousins and aunts.

Yes, there was the man-of-war, a Britisher with yellow funnels, well outside the reef, towing behind her a flotilla of boats chock-a-block with natives. The red head-dresses of their crews showed them to be the followers of Tanumafili, and a couple of unmistakable pith helmets in the stern of the biggest betrayed the presence of directing white men.

"`Very well, say I, `with all my heart; then I'll look to the bunt. "Just at that time there came on a squall with rain, which almost blinded us; the sail was taken in very neatly, the clew-lines, chock-a-block, bunt-lines and leech-lines well up, reef-tackles overhauled, rolling-tackles taut, and all as it should be.

Now and then they rowsed us out on a false alarm, but I know of no serious attempt's being made by the enemy, to molest us. The lake was fit to navigate about the middle of April. Somewhere about the 20th the soldiers began to embark, to the number of 1700 men. A company came on board the Scourge, and they filled us chock-a-block.

"But we walked to the door of the Cafe Royal." "What down Shaftesbury Avenue?" "Yes!" "Past the Cafe Monico and Piccadilly Circus?" "Yes!" "What time was it?" "Well after ten." "Very unsuitable! I must say that very unsuitable! That corner by the Monico at night is simply chock-a-block I I should say, teems, that's the word teems with people whom nobody knows or could ever wish to know.

Why, one night I'd a' sworn that some one pulled up with a yell and shook the door. But I sort of allowed to myself that whatever it was, it wasn't wantin' to eat, drink, sleep, or it would come in, and I hadn't any call to interfere. And in the mornin' I found a rock as big as that box, lying chock-a-block agin the door. Then I knowed I was right." Preble Key remained looking from the door.

It was flour on the lungs, the doctor told her at the time... Her husband sat up in bed with his shirt pulled over his head, and the doctor's finger drew a circle on his back. "Now, if we were to cut him open here, Mrs. Parker," said the doctor, "you'd find his lungs chock-a-block with white powder. Breathe, my good fellow!" And Mrs.

By hauling the reef-tackles chock-a-block we took the strain from the other earings, and passing the close-reef earing, and knotting the points carefully, we succeeded in setting the sail, close reefed.