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He didn't believe in religion, nor nothin'. He didn't believe in Christopher Columbus right there to the doin's held for him, he didn't believe in him. "Why," sez I, "he discovered the land we live in." He said, "He was very doubtful whether that wuz so or not histories made so many mistakes, he presoomed there never was such a man at all." "Why," sez I, "he walked the streets of Genoa."

An' so, when I found out that there was a room in that ther' bungalow locked up, by mistake as I presoomed, and that the key o' the little parlour opened it, why, naterally, boys, I jest peaked in to see if everything was O.K. As for pryin' and spyin', why sech an idee never entered my head. Wal, I peaked in an' I saw " "Hold on," said Ajax.

Josiah gin orders that I overheard to "go at a pretty good jog past the stores where wimmen buy sooveneers," but I presoomed that they didn't understand a word he said, so it didn't do any hurt and I laid out to git some all the same. But what a sight them streets wuz; they wuz about twenty feet wide, and smooth and clean, but considerable steep.

She said she presoomed he wuz allowed to pierce flies with a pin and torter hornets and May bugs and rob birds' nests and tie cans to dogs' tails and act, and he got worse as he got bigger. And I d'no but she wuz right. I've seen the Nero sperit in small boys many times; why, I see it in Thomas Jefferson when he wuz little, but it wus squenched and he's come up noble.

She had told me that mornin' whilst I wuz gittin' ready to start that he wuz the loveliest young man she had ever met, and a woman would be happy indeed who won him for her consort. And I said, as I pinned my collar on more firmly with my cameo pin, that I presoomed that he would make a good man and pardner when he growed up.

You know what young female servants are, Miss ..." "And you think that Mr. Greve went to Mr. Parrish to talk about ... me?" Mary Trevert's voice faltered a little. She looked eagerly at the other's fat, smooth face. "I presoomed as much, Miss, I must confess!" "But what did you hear Mr. Greve say?" "I heard nothing, Miss, except just only the sound of voices. After Mr.