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"Behold the Premier's signet!" he said with a smile; "Methinks, for once, it suits the King!" Surrounded by a boundless width of dark blue sea at all visible points of view, The Islands, lovely tufts of wooded rock, trees, and full- flowering meadowlands, were situated in such a happy position as to be well out of all possibility of modern innovation or improvement.

Coxon's view, on the event of that day, for Sir John spoke openly of his approaching retirement, and an appointment sometimes thought worthy of a Premier's acceptance might be in Coxon's grasp before many weeks were past, if only Medland and his noxious idea of getting a first-class man out from England could be swept together into limbo.

Yet there was no word of disrespect. The Premier's nearest friends could not resent it. Word for word, she proceeded with his speech, while the theatre rocked with laughter. She was in the Premier's most playful, God-bless-you mood, and simply radiated favors and goodwill. The delegation was flattered, complimented, patted on the head, as she dilated on their manly beauty and charm.

The sun was streaming brilliantly into the room, and the windows, thrown wide open, showed a cheerful display of lawn and flower-garden, filled with palms and other semi-tropical shrubs, for though the Premier's house was in the centre of the fashionable quarter of the city, it had the advantage of extensive and well-shaded grounds.

"She's only tasted it half-a-dozen times." "Well, I hope every one will have to give it up soon. My husband says that the Cabinet " "Here's treason! Has he been telling you our secrets?" "Secrets! Why, two-thirds of the party are pledged " But here Lady Eynesford again claimed the Premier's attention, and he was really glad of it. Dick Derosne walked home with Mr. Medland.

The audience gasped at that for in the Premier's own riding, there were names on the voters' lists, taken, it was alleged, from the tombstones. "Do you ask me to disturb the sacred calm of our cemetries?" she asked, in an awe-striken tone her big eyes filled with the horror of it. "We are doing wery well just as we are, very well indeed. Women are the best students of economy.

Before his closed eyes a dark veil would begin to unroll as if the moist, cellar-like gloom in which the Chamber is always plunged, had thickened suddenly, and against this curtain, like a cinema dream, rows of orange-trees would come into view, and a blue house with open windows; and pouring through the windows a stream of notes from a soft voice, ever so sweet, singing lieder and ballads as an accompaniment to the hard, sonorous paragraphs snapping from the Premier's teeth.

In the interim the whole world trembled with suspense while stock markets shivered. The Premier's name was on every tongue: the eyes of the universe were focussed on him. It was indeed his Great Hour.

It will not be a bad thing in itself, but there will be an end of the English Minister who brings it about." Again, three days later, to the same correspondent: "I admire the Premier's speech. It is what I expected of him. The Liberal leaders are behaving scandalously, with the exception perhaps of Lord Hartington.

I know lots of the Premier's speeches right off. There is nothing to it, Ma, so don't you be frightened." "Pearl, you take things too light," said her mother severely, "a person never knows when you are in earnest, and I am frightened about you. You should not feel so careless about makin' speeches, it is nothing to joke about.