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"The tide is beginning to turn, Rujub; the mutineers have done their worst, and have failed to overthrow the English Raj. Now you will see that every day they will lose ground. Fresh troops will pour up the country, and step by step the mutiny will be crushed out; it is a question of time only.

Over the wild Rugii St. Severinus seems to have acquired unbounded influence. Their king, Flaccitheus, used to pour out his sorrows to him, and tell him how the princes of the Goths would surely slay him; for when he had asked leave of him to pass on into Italy, he would not let him go. But St. Severinus prophesied to him that the Goths would do him no harm.

But by far the most amusing piece in which I recollect seeing Poitier, was one in which he acted with the equally celebrated Brunet, and in which they both represented English women "Les Anglaises pour Rire."

As he came to the cathedral he felt an overmastering desire to enter and pour out his distress in the presence of his Maker. So he crept in, a tattered and forlorn figure. He prayed aloud, chanting his woes in the same tones which he used in the street to touch the hearts of the passers-by. As he prayed a sense of solitude came upon him, and he realized that the shadowy aisles were empty.

Rheid told Hollis that you were going into a decline, that mother said so, and Will and I were planning what we could do for you." "Nobody need plan now," smiled Marjorie. "Shall we have some music? We'll sing Will's hymns." "How your voice sounds!" "That's why I want to sing. I want to pour it all out." The next evening Hollis accompanied Linnet on her way to Marjorie's to spend the evening.

It was almost too much for the poor geranium on which it fell, and it looked at one minute as if the roots would be laid bare, and perhaps the whole plant be washed out of the soil in which it was planted. What if Number Five should take off the "rose" that sprinkles her affections on so many, and pour them all on one? Can that ever be?

When cool add three eggs well beaten, and one tablespoon of flour, one-half cup of sugar, one-half teaspoon of ginger, one teaspoon of cinnamon, pinch of salt and one pint cold milk. Pour into battered pudding dish and bake an hour and a half. Serve with hot maple sugar or cream.

He picked up the pail and went down the steps to the spring. "After all," he said, "it won't hurt to take out a little of this and pour it on the ground. It ought to be good fertilizer." He stooped. "'Come, gentle spring, ethereal mildness, come," he quoted, and dipped in the pail. Just then somebody fell against the door and stumbled into the room.

Pour this froth over a shallow dish of boiling water; the steam passing through it cooks it; when sufficiently cooked, take a tablespoon and drop spoonfuls of this over the top of the custard, far enough apart so that the "little white islands" will not touch each other.

For the first time he speaks the great word 'believe. The act of faith is the condition or means of 'receiving. It is the opening of the mental eye for the light to pour in. We possess Jesus in the measure of our faith. The object of faith is 'His name, which means, not this or that collocation of letters by which He is designated, but His whole self-revelation.