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Consequently when on reporting at the Exeter office one evening he was introduced to Wilson Jennings, Alex treated him with but little more than necessary courtesy. For the newcomer, an operator but little older than himself, was distinctly a "dude" from his patent-leather shoes and polka-dotted stockings to his red-and-yellow banded white straw hat.

Bangs," she cried, holding the mirror an inch from his nose. "Look at yourself. You're all broke out with a crash rash, I mean. Ain't he, Miss Martha?" Galusha regarded his reflection in the mirror with astonishment. "Why, I I seem to be ah polka-dotted," he said. "I never saw anything so Dear me, dear me!" He drew his fingers down his cheek. The speckles promptly became streaks.

Whinney was not alone in his scientific discoveries for on the return trip Babai suddenly gave a cry of delight and the next instant had climbed with amazing agility to the top of a towering palm whence she returned bearing a semi-spheric bowl of closely woven grass in which lay four snow-white, polka-dotted cubes, the marvelous square eggs of the fatu-liva! "Kopaa kopitaa aue!" she cried.

Honor to thee, Lenchen, wherever thou goest! Heaven bless thee in thy walks abroad! whether with that tightly-booted cavalryman in thy Sunday gown and best, or in blue polka-dotted apron and bare head as thou trottest nimbly on mine errands, errands which Bridget o'Flaherty would scorn to undertake, or, undertaking, would hopelessly blunder in.

The flawless lustre of his shoes would be dulled, even though he walked sedately the safe sidewalk; his broad collar and blue polka-dotted cravat would be awry, one stocking would be down, his jacket yawning, all his magnificence seeming unconquerably alien. Winona did him the justice to recognize that this disarray was due to no wilfulness of its victim.

But it had an excess of one quality it was sticky. It was the stickiest tar Penrod had ever used for any purposes whatsoever, and nothing upon which he wiped his hands served to rid them of it; neither his polka-dotted shirt waist nor his knickerbockers; neither the fence, nor even Duke, who came unthinkingly wagging out to greet him, and retired wiser. Nevertheless, tar is tar.

He coolly stroked the lovely hair of the ingénue, Miss Evelyn L'Ewysse, with one hand, leveled a revolver with the other, and made fearless jests the while, to the infinite excitement of the audience, especially of the hyah-hyah-hyahing negroes, whose faces, under the flicker of lowered calcium-carbide lights, made a segregated strip of yellow-black polka-dotted with white eye-balls.

The cold air was polka-dotted with snowflakes, and trembled to the loud, continuous jingling of sleighbells.

Peter flicked the dust from his tan shoes with a polka-dotted handkerchief, while rosy dreams, full of ambition and success filled his impressionable mind. Through the snowy hills the train made its way cautiously, making long and apparently purposeless stops between stations, as if haunted by the fear of arriving too early.

"For the love of Mike," he said impatiently, "what have you two got to talk about all night?" "My son," observed Duane, "there are a few subjects for conversation which do not include the centipede and the polka-dotted dickey-bird. These subjects Kathleen and I furtively indulge in when we can arrange to elude you." Scott covered a yawn and glanced at Kathleen.