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Why, in comparison, she would have pished at a seraph! after five years of his twaddle, mark you. And Helene seemed to be really not much more sensible about Gaston.... It all was quite inexplicable.

They presented themselves at the door at nine o'clock in the morning, where Sir William Saunderson respectfully informed them that the Chancellor had made an order against their admittance. The Duchess of Queensberry, as head of the squadron, pished at the ill-breeding of a mere lawyer, and desired him to let them upstairs privately.

"Captain Ernstein," replied the beauty, "I thank you for your frank confession. I cannot possibly accept your hand without your heart. Nay do not frown, father I have a secret for your ear, and if you do not wish to wreck your daughter's happiness, you will urge me no further." Von Steinberg frowned, and pshawed, and pished, and then, clearing his voice, addressed the baron.

Ward, making a long speech, interspersed with many of his usual Scripture phrases, at each of which, as they occurred, that wicked young George smiled, and pished scornfully, and at length Ward ended by asking her honour's leave to retire.

At first the Italian pished and grunted, and said /Cospetto/, and /Per Bacco/, and /Diavolo/, and tried to creep out of so much proffered courtesy.

"Reynolds has given me notice." "What for?" "Liosha has just gone for her with a pair of scissors." "Horrible!" said I, getting the ends even. "I can imagine nothing more finnikin in ghastliness than to cut anybody's throat with nail scissors, especially when the subject is unwilling." Barbara pished and pshawed. It was no occasion for levity.

It was one of those collections of stories of bloody murders, ghostly legends, and supernatural visitations, which, coarsely got up and illustrated, have a strange fascination for one who once begins to read them. Legree poohed and pished, but read, turning page after page, till, finally, after reading some way, he threw down the book, with an oath.

The elder inhabitants pished and pshawed a little at the folly of the new shopkeeper in venturing on such an outlay in goods that would not keep; to be sure, Christmas was coming, but what housewife in Grimworth would not think shame to furnish forth her table with articles that were not home-cooked? No, no. Mr.

"I should have known that it was Miss Whitworth even if I had not heard her voice," and Jenny described how, on fetching Mrs. Croyle's book, she had seen Joan unlatch the glass door of the library. Sir Chichester was shaken, but he pushed his blotting-paper here and his pen there, and pished and tushed like a refractory child. "And how did she get back?

At first the Italian pished and grunted, and said Cospetto, and Per Bacco, and Diavolo, and tried to creep out of so much proffered courtesy. But like all single gentlemen, he was a little under the tyrannical influence of his faithful servant; and Jackeymo, though he could bear starving as well as his master when necessary, still, when he had the option, preferred roast beef and plum-pudding.