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Updated: August 14, 2024

That on these chilly afternoons the dear good doctor is afraid of my health?” “That’s kind o’ it, sir.” “But of course I’m not supposed to notice anything, eh?” Moggridge looked a trifle uncomfortable and was discreetly silent. Mr Beveridge smiled at his own perspicacity, and then began in the most friendly tone, “Well, I feel flattered that so stout a man has been told off to take care of me.

But, Charley, the men up the river must not know what I'm after." "They gettum pine," interjected the Indian like a flash. "Exactly," replied Thorpe, surprised afresh at the other's perspicacity. "Good!" ejaculated Injin Charley, and fell silent. With this, the longest conversation the two had attempted in their peculiar acquaintance, Thorpe was forced to be content.

"Ah," whispered Miss Susannah with a knowing smile of conscious perspicacity; "Eliza and I felt sure it was a tiff."

I asked several times during the evening in vain, what had become of him; his absence seemed to me suspicious." Evidently the chambermaid tried to show superior perspicacity. A little more, and she would have talked of presentiments. "Has this Guespin been long in the house?" "Since spring." "What were his duties?"

But for all that she did mot view him the less with the usual perspicacity of her sharp, mocking eyes. His awkwardness, his ugliness, his little ridiculous qualities amused her; she did not take him altogether seriously; she did not take many things seriously.

I'll find him, never mind what happens. 'Yes, but, said Temple, 'if he knows where you are, and you don't know where he is, there's no good in your going off adventuring. If a fellow wants to be hit, the best thing he can do is to stop still. Struck by the perspicacity of his views, I turned homeward.

"Of course," said the draftsman, as one properly disgusted with his own lack of perspicacity. Then, after another and more searching scrutiny, in which the headlight glare of his own engine was helped out by the burning of half a dozen matches: "Whoever did that, knew his business." "How do you know?" "Little things.

Then Namgay Doola, new christened Patsay Doola, son of Timlay Doola, which is Tim Doolan gone very wrong indeed, clasped the King's feet, cuffed the standing Army, and hurried in an agony of contrition from temple to temple, making offerings for the sin of cattle maiming. And the King was so pleased with my perspicacity that he offered to sell me a village for twenty pounds sterling.

But Tyope, cunning as he was, had underrated the firmness and perspicacity of Topanashka as much as he had overrated the abilities of Hoshkanyi. As soon as the latter saw the rigidity of his colleague in a matter of duty, he felt completely at sea; he lost sight of everything that Tyope had recommended, tumbled from one mistake to another, and finally exposed himself to grave suspicions.

All for Love. Dryden, with his wonted perspicacity, follows Ben Jonson in calling Donne "the greatest wit, though not the best poet, of our nation." "Had in him those brave translunary things That our first poets had." To open vistas for the imagination through the blind wall of the senses as he could sometimes do, is the supreme function of poetry.

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