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So you" he ended, looking banteringly at the young man "so you are Dona Perfecta's nephew?" This abrupt question and the insolent glance of the bravo annoyed the young man. "Yes, senor, at your service." "I am a friend of the senora's, and I love her as I do the apple of my eye," said Caballuco. "As you are going to Orbajosa we shall see each other there."

In the midst of the diversity of the reports circulated, there was agreement in regard to certain important particulars, one of which was the following: That the engineer, enraged at Dona Perfecta's refusal to marry Rosario to an atheist, had raised his hand to his aunt.

Pepe Rey looked in the direction of his cousin, intending to join her, but some wily questions of the canon retained him at Dona Perfecta's side.

It is to be observed that Maria Remedios' dignity as a lady suffered not a little in Dona Perfecta's house, and this was disagreeable to her; for in this sighing spirit, too, there was, as there is in every living thing, a little pride.

In Dona Perfecta's house it is a matter of firm belief that the army and I have formed a diabolical and anti-religious coalition to rob Orbajosa of its treasures, its faith, and its maidens. I am sure that your sister firmly believes that I am going to take her house by assault, and there is not a doubt but that behind the door some barricade has been erected. "But it could not be otherwise.

They were Senor Paso Largo, a young man named Frasquito Gonzales, and a third, a man of medium stature and robust make, who was called Vejarruco, although his real name was Jose Esteban Romero. Caballuco turned back, tempted by the agreeable society of these persons, who were old and intimate friends of his, and accompanied them to Dona Perfecta's house.

"Notwithstanding all your kindness, dearest aunt, notwithstanding the cordial friendship of the reverend canon, it is possible that I may myself decide to go away." "To go away!" "To go away you!" A strange light shone in Dona Perfecta's eyes. The canon, experienced though he was in dissimulation, could not conceal his joy. "Yes, and perhaps this very night."

"But I want to know one thing; why were you laughing at me when I was at the window of the Casino?" These words were the signal for fresh bursts of laughter. "These girls are silly things," said the eldest. "It was because we said you deserved something better than Dona Perfecta's daughter."

"But the confession of my faults will not relieve me from the responsibility of the serious occurrences which have taken place and which are taking place, nor will this responsibility, no matter how much I may argue, fall altogether on your sister. Dona Perfecta's responsibility is certainly very great. What will be the extent of mine!

When the arrogant horseman rode aside to stop and talk for a moment with two Civil Guards who passed them on the road, the traveller asked his guide: "Who is that odd character?" "Who should it be? Caballuco." "And who is Caballuco?" "What! Have you never heard of Caballuco?" said the countryman, amazed at the crass ignorance of Dona Perfecta's nephew.