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"Ever seen that boy of hers?" asked Ben in an aggrieved voice. "No, of course you haven't, or you wouldn't suggest it. And why marry me up to a widow?" "O.P.," said the lady, "tell him you prefer it." "I prefer it," said Mr. Pengelly. "Oh," explained Ben, "present company always excepted, o' course. I wish you joy." "Thank ye," the lady answered graciously.

With this she advanced, courtesying, her face changing as soon as she came nearer and saw who the stranger was. "My, Sam!" she exclaimed, "who is he? Why, he's the very image of poor Ted!" and she raised the corner of her apron to her eyes as she spoke, as if to stop the ready-starting tears. "Whoever do you think he is?" said Sam Pengelly, triumphantly; "look at him carefully, now.

The sun had set, the moon was above the tree-tops, steadily making for its zenith. A group of three Johnnie Morgan, Timothy Jeffreys, and Dan Pengelly sat on the platform of one of the huts, their legs dangling over the edge within a couple of feet of the water. The day had been fiercely hot, and the water around had steamed like a smoking cauldron.

All this while Ben Jope and his sister had been talking earnestly: I had heard at intervals the murmur of their voices through the partition; but no distinct words save once, when Mrs. Pengelly called out to her husband to keep an eye along the beach and report the appearance of constables.

You're the last person to think as how Sam Pengelly 'd desart his colours and bringing-up, for to go over to such an outlandish way o' fetching the port for which he's bound! No, Jane I ain't angry, but I feels hurt a bit on the h'insinivation but there, let it be.

Above us the ferry plied lazily, and at whiles I could hear the voices of the passengers. Nothing, even to my strained ears, spoke of excitement; and yet, in the great town beyond the hill, murder had been done and men were searching for me. So the day dragged by. Towards evening, as the vessel beneath us fleeted and the deck resumed its level, Mr. Pengelly began to uncover the mainsail.

"Aye, there's the b'y," replied Sam, pushing me forward affectionately, "and a right good straight up and down youngster you'll find him, Cap'en Billings, with all the makings of a sailor in him, I tell you, sure's my name's Sam Pengelly!" "Well, I'll take your word for that," laughed the other.

Howsomedevers, `what's bred in the bone, as the proverb says, `must come out in the flesh, and if you will go to sea, why, you must, and I'll try to help you on to what you wish, as far as Sam Pengelly can; I can't say more nor that, can I?" "No, certainly not, and I'm much obliged to you," I answered; for he made a pause at this point, as if waiting for my reply.

Presents were liberally bestowed, and promises were scattered broadcast. Dan Pengelly and the two Johnsons, often accompanied by Master Jeffreys and Morgan, spent hours at the doors of native huts, eagerly questioning the Indians, or listening to long, jumbled stories, eked out in a jargon of Spanish and Indian. Almost invariably they came away as wise as they went.

Here is 2d. for you in gold o' the purest water. Go thou an' carry it to Our good friend Missis Pengelly, who will doubtless reckernise and exchange it in peppermint cushions. Which was too thin. So we were forced to beat him till the truth came out. An' then he brought us here, an' showed what he'd a-found: an' with the furnitcher movin' an' mother so busy, 'Bert and I managed the rest.