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Updated: August 6, 2024

"'Pends upon the tide, Missis, don't it?" one remarked with a grin broad enough to make the slyness written on it easy reading. "Ah! first a flow and then a ebb," said another. "It's many a keg I plant i' the mud, Coastguardsman, come! and I'll have your blood!"

"'Pends upon what it is," answered Peace, thoroughly awake now. He laughed at the judicious tone of voice and the familiar cant of the curly brown head, and answered promptly, "I want you to play Good Samaritan for a little while, be nurse for one of my patients " "Nurse?" She looked at him with wide-open eyes, secretly wondering whether he knew what he was talking about.

When it grows out I'm going to see if I can't save up some money and get a permanent wave so's I'll look lovely and everybody that comes to the home will say, 'Who is that charming child? I'll take her and her dear little brother too and well be a happy family. Now wouldn't that be nice, Peter dear?" "That 'pends on who it is.

"I love the river, and the wide bridge, and the old castle keeping watch and ward, and the pends through which you catch sudden glimpses of the solemn round-backed hills. And most of all I love the lights that twinkle out in the early darkness, every light meaning a little home, and a warm fireside and kindly people round it.

This last remark was addressed to Tedda; and any one could see with half an eye that poor, old anxious, fidgety Tedda, stamping at the flies, must have left a wild and tumultuous youth behind her. "'Pends on the man," she answered, shifting from one foot to the other, and addressing herself to the home horses. "They abused me dreffle when I was young.

I thought I had seen them out but it was two negro boys I mistook in the dark for them! I have just found out my mistake! Oh, Grainger, they will perish! What is to be done?" "'Pends on what room they're in, ma'am," hastily replied the overseer, while all the others stood speechless with intense anxiety. "Oh, they are in the front chamber there, immediately above the burning room!" cried Mrs.

To clear the snow from the narrow wynds and pends, however, was a task not to be attempted; and the Auld Lichts, at least, rested content when enough light got into their workshops to let them see where their looms stood. Wading through beds of snow they did not much mind; but they wondered what would happen to their houses when the thaw came. The thaw was slow in coming.

"Well, then, a half-peck," said she; "'pends a good deal on how many is living in a house." "Yes; but we only mean this for you, Aunt Matilda. We don't mean it for anybody else." "Well, then, I reckon a quarter of a peck would do, for jest me." "We will allow you a peck," said Harry, "and that will be twenty-five cents a week. Set that down, Kate." "All right," said Kate.

"No, not axcepted jes' yet, Mr. Wobbles, if yer'se 'dressin' yer remarks ter me. Yer is goin' on jes' a little too far." "P'raps a little far; but yer'll soon catch up wid me. Yer'se a lady dat got a min' ob her own, I hope?" "It's mine yet, anyhow." "An' yer kin keep as mum as a possum w'en de cawn is in de milk?" "Dat 'pends." "Ob cose it does.

When the Nez Perces, Flatheads, and Pends Oreilles are encamped in a dangerous neighborhood, says Captain Bonneville, the greatest care is taken of their horses, those prime articles of Indian wealth, and objects of Indian depredation. Each warrior has his horse tied by one foot at night to a stake planted before his lodge.

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