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On the day of election, this little boy, mounted upon the top of a step-ladder, appeared over the heads of the crowd, and in a small clear voice, and with an eagerness which fixed attention, related the history of his pencil-case, and ended by hoping with all his heart that his friend Jacob, his honest Jacob, might be chosen. Jacob was elected.

He pulled a sheet of note-paper towards him and began to jot down notes with a silver-cased pencil. Soon he discontinued writing and sat tapping his pencil-case on the table. "The amazing selfishness of his attitude! I do not think that once not once has he judged any woman except as a contributor to his energy and peace of mind.... Except in the case of his wife....

The book she had been reading lay on the sofa, with her tiny pencil-case in it to mark the place at which she had left off. One after another, he looked at the objects that reminded him of the woman whom he loved took them up tenderly and laid them down again with a sigh. Ah, how far, how unattainably far from him, she was still!

They suggested, instead, certain foreign bonds on which she would receive a perfectly safe four-and-a-half per cent.; and so pleased was she at having been preserved from risking her two thousand pounds that she not only indulged in a modest half-bottle of Beaune with her lunch, but bought a pretty pencil-case for Austin.

When he left I went to my door to see if there was a policeman in sight, but of course there wasn't. I doubt if he'd have got him, though. He was off like a shot as soon as he got the shilling down a side street and then up another, going towards King's Cross. Here's the pencil-case he pawned. I didn't bring the weskit, but you can 'ave it if it's any good to you."

To his horror he recollected that he had left both coat and waistcoat behind him in his cell, and with them his pocket-book, money, keys, watch, matches, pencil-case all that makes life worth living, all that distinguishes the many-pocketed animal, the lord of creation, from the inferior one-pocketed or no-pocketed productions that hop or trip about permissively, unequipped for the real contest.

There's a silver pencil-case, which my dear mother gave me, and it's got my initials on it: it's gone from my room, and I can't hear anything about it. Jane at once pulls the pencil-case out of her pocket, and lays it on the table. `I see how it is, she says; `you two are determined to ruin me; but the Lord above, he knows I'm innocent.

Johnson to have used such a stalwart pencil-case. It had a six-inch measure on a part of it, so that it must have been at least eight inches long. Mr. Steele says he has seen a cracked earthen teapot, of large size, in which Miss Williams used to make tea for Dr. Johnson. God himself cannot compensate us for being born for any period short of eternity.

Mary, the nurse, had not been forgotten a pretty handkerchief-box was to bear her name; and there was even a bottle of scent for Anne, the kitchen servant, and a pencil-case for Hughes, the coachman. "They'll be so surprised," she said. "I'm sure they won't expect such lovely presents as these."

She laughed, and showed her little silver pencil-case, which had a pen at one end, with which she had scratched her forehead in her abstraction. The attention of Camors was redoubled from this moment the more so from a rapid and significant glance from the Marquise, which seemed to warn him of an approaching event.