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Those six white soldiers in front of the fort were ready to attack. And there were more coming. "Load!" he commanded. Each little soldier took up a snowball. Rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. The drums sounded nearer now. Rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. Rat-a-tat-tat. Around the house came the sound of the drum. Over the walls of the fort they peeked very carefully.

No sign of the unpopular townsman was to be seen anywhere, but, as Levin Dennis peeked around the foliage in the yard he beheld a man he had never observed before, and of a tall, bearded, suspicious, and ruffianly exterior, lying flat on the top of a memorial vault, with his head and feet half concealed in some cedar brambles. "Hallo!" Dennis shouted.

Now look see here he is. Then he peeked up at me, and he put up his little arms, an' he says, jest as petted, and yit a little skeered, he says, 'Take me, pappy. When I tuck him up, he grabbed me round the neck and dug his little face into mine.

Steep slope after steep slope blocked the way; the brush and timber grew thick; sometimes large rocks interposed; and when the party weren't sliding they were climbing, dragging the puffing pack animals. But the trail that had been taken always led on. Camp was made beside a spring, in a little flat or cup surrounded by timber over which peeked the snow-caps of the main range.

You can't make a decent, human thing out of it because it's fundamentally vile!..." "My dear Rachel!..." Roger began, but she would not listen to interruptions. "They look just as pale and 'peeked' in model factories as they do in bad ones. They're cleaner, that's all. The firm sees that they wash, but it can't prevent them from becoming ill, and they're all ill.

At first they were frightened, and were about running home when one of them, who was Shakoona's youngest brother, proposed that they creep to the top of the rocks and try and see who the talkers were on the other side. Noiselessly they crawled to the top, and then as they peeked over whom should they see but Wahbunoo and Oosahmekoo in earnest talk?

He placed his hands over his face and started on a run to the front. The Boy giggled, and his mother pinched him. "Did ye see that red-headed feller, Ma," he whispered. "He didn't do fair. He peeked through his fingers I saw his eyes!" "Sh!"

"On the fence, Kidlet," Edith had once remonstrated to Ruth, "that's stupid!" Edith herself was strongly anti. "Of course I'm anti," she maintained proudly. "Anybody who is anybody in Hilton is anti. The suffragists dear me! Perfect freaks most of them. People you never heard of! I peeked in at a suffrage tea the other day and mercy, such sights! I wouldn't be one of them for money.

"Her train is due," it read. "Do you suppose we'll have to wait until dinner to see her?" Polly shrugged her shoulders and shook her head in reply, and tried to get interested in her history. A few minutes later, Lois left her seat and went over to the dictionary by the window. The sound of carriage wheels made her completely forget the word she was hunting for. She peeked out of the window.

Oh, tell me, have you ever read anything by Harold Bell Wright or Myrtle Reed, Mr. Wrenn? They write such sweet stories." He had not, but he expressed an unconquerable resolve so to do, and with immediateness. She went on: "Mrs. Arty told me you had a real big library nearly a hundred books and Do you mind? I went in your room and peeked at them." "No, course I don't mind!