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Here and there was a semi-illicit stand where horsemeat, salt fish, carrots or cabbage and parsnips, and sour milk could be bought on the sly if you had the price. But it was very little at any price and exceedingly uncertain of appearance. We were sent to join the other prisoners, French, English, Scotch and Americans who had preceded us from the front to Moscow.

Let's go right in to dinner. He sat at the head of the table and I next to him. I remember how, wearied by the day's burden, he sat, lounging heavily, in careless attitudes. He stirred his dinner into a hash of eggs, potatoes, squash and parsnips, and ate it leisurely with a spoon, his head braced often with his left forearm, its elbow resting on the table.

What have you got in the cellar?" "Come and see, and take what you want, Nancy; there is plenty of potatoes and carrots and onions, and beets, I believe the turnips are all gone." "Parsnips out in the yard, ain't there?" "Yes, but you'll have to do with a piece of pork, Nancy; I don't know anything about beef."

Carrots, parsnips, turnips, greens and cabbage are generally eaten with boiled meat, and corn, beets, peas and beans are appropriate to either boiled or roasted meat. Mashed turnip is good with roast pork and with boiled meats. Tomatoes are good with almost every kind of meats, especially with roasts.

Wragge, becoming violently excited in a moment. "Boiled pork and greens and pease-pudding, for Number One. Stewed beef and carrots and gooseberry tart, for Number Two. Cut of mutton, and quick about it, well done, and plenty of fat, for Number Three. Codfish and parsnips, two chops to follow, hot-and-hot, or I'll be the death of you, for Number Four. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

With large aprons tied over their brown habits, the Lay Brothers work upon their land, planting parsnips in rows, or tending a prosperous bee- farm. A young friar, who sang the High Mass yesterday, is gaily hanging the washed linen in the sun.

And says Bob Doran, with the hat on the back of his poll, lowest blackguard in Dublin when he's under the influence: Who said Christ is good? I beg your parsnips, says Alf. Is that a good Christ, says Bob Doran, to take away poor little Willy Dignam? Ah, well, says Alf, trying to pass it off. He's over all his troubles. But Bob Doran shouts out of him.

The gardener was near the gate, watering the dill and parsley, the carrots and parsnips. 'Well, he said, 'where has Little Lasse been so long? Little Lasse straightened himself up stiff, and answered: 'I have sailed round the world in a pea-shell boat. 'Oh! said the gardener. He has forgotten Dreamland. But you have not forgotten it; you know that it exists.

Imperiously beckoning to a waiter, he commanded him to "wipe that grease spot off that plate, and bring him some butter!" Let us give more than the grease spot. Better go to the other extreme, and drown our friend's neglected parsnips in fresh, pure un-oleomargarined, and entirely sweet butter. To no other estate are there so many varieties of phases as to that of matrimony.

"What!" shrieked Lavinia's mother. "And you call yourself a gentleman?" "The sum I admit is a small one, but as you seemed anxious to get your daughter off your hands I thought I was doing you a service by putting the girl in a way to earn a good living." "I dare say. I'm not to be taken in like that. Fine words butter no parsnips. While Lavinia's in the house I'll go bail I'll make her work.