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Updated: August 25, 2024

The twenty-eight lines of Dante are given in twenty-six lines of eight syllables each, and this without any sacrifice of the thought or feeling; for the "this thy teacher knows," which is omitted, besides that the commentators cannot agree on its meaning, is parenthetical in sense, and with reverence be it said, in so far a defect in such a relation.

When he makes his reference to Louis Napoleon's ancestor, he is pausing for a moment in the course of his philosophical argument in order to indulge in a parenthetical denunciation of war.

It was rather trying, in this state of things, to receive from the triumphant baronet, with only a parenthetical 'Dear Lake, I beg your pardon, a rough knock on the elbow of the hand that held his glass, and to be then summarily hustled out of his place.

It happens, unfortunately for us, for outward peculiarities are scarcely worthy the dignity to which comedy, whether in the drama or the narrative, aspires, that Squire Brandon possessed so few distinguishing traits of mind that he leaves his delineator little whereby to designate him, save a confused and parenthetical habit of speech, by which he very often appeared to those who did not profit by long experience or close observation, to say exactly, and somewhat ludicrously, that which he did not mean to convey.

Married now, both of them, Uncle Dan was wont to state, parenthetically; and indeed, if the truth be known, he had always taken a parenthetical view of these unexceptionable little nieces.

SAEPE ENIM: enim introduces a reason, not for the words ut potero, but for faciam 'I will grant your request because I have often heard complaints about old age and therefore have thought of the matter'. PARES AUTEM etc.: parenthetical.

And so, Captain, " said he, resuming the conversation with Captain Wilson for his notice of Briney was only parenthetical. Father Con now took the book, which was AEsop's Fables, and, in accordance with Briney's intention, it opened exactly at the favorite fable of Gallus Gallinacexis.

The strain is more impassioned than Mary's, and throbs with triumph over 'our enemies, but rises above the mere patriotic glow into a more spiritual region. The complete subordination of the personal element is very remarkable, as shown by the slight and almost parenthetical reference to John. The father is forgotten in the devout Israelite.

Nearer is the Branch, also a coal-loaded brig, a circumstance which suggests to Peggotty the parenthetical remark that "at times there is a good deal of coal about the shingle." A little more to the east is "the Rooshian wessel Nicholas I.," in which Peggotty has a special interest so strong that he forgets to mention what her cargo was.

Then see whether you will find fault with her for delineating the motives of those with whomgreat illusionsare mistaken forgreat faith;” of thosewhose celestial intimacies do not improve their domestic manners,” howeverholythey may claim to be; of those whocontrive to conciliate the consciousness of filthy rags with the best damask;” of thosewhose imitative piety and native worldliness is equally sincere;” of those whothink the invisible powers will be soothed by a bland parenthesis here and there, coming from a man of property”—parenthetical recognition of the Almighty!

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