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Then she turned and walked slowly to the fence with a swaying, conscious motion, such as a duchess might make use of in leading a promenade. There she turned again and grilled Dry Valley Johnson once more in the dark flame of her audacious eyes, laughed a trifle school-girlishly, and twisted herself with pantherish quickness between the pickets to the O'Brien side of the wild gourd vine.

He had acted so swiftly that it seemed it must have been instinctive. Yet thinking back, slowly realizing the nature of the repellent feeling within him, he remembered a bursting gush of hot blood, a pantherish desire to leap, to strike and then cool, stern watchfulness. The whole business had been most unpleasant.

Clanton drew up abruptly. He had no desire to meet now any strangers whose intentions had not been announced. Swiftly, with a pantherish smoothness of motion, he slid from the cowpony and moved to the edge of a bluff that looked down into the arroyo below. He crept forward and peered through a clump of cactus growing at the edge of the escarpment. The camp-fire was at the very foot of the bluff.

The attack in front caused Frank to dodge with a pantherish spring that was most astonishing in its quickness, considering the fact that a moment before he had seemed totally unsuspicious and unprepared. This leap saved him from being stretched unconscious by the sandbag. An instant later he was engaged in a hand-to-hand encounter with five thugs who had marked him as their prey.

Kate Underwood could have given a dozen reasons why she liked him. There were for instance the superficial ones. She liked the way he tossed back the tawny sun-kissed hair from his eyes, the easy pantherish stride with which he covered ground so lightly, the set of his fine shoulders, the peculiar tint of his lean, bronzed cheeks. His laugh was joyous as the song of a bird in early spring.

I had but time to see the character of the place long, yellow promontories running out and slopes of weathered stone reaching up between to a level with the rim when in a dwarf pine growing just over the edge I caught sight of a long, red, pantherish body. I whooped to my followers now close upon me and leaping off hauled out my Remington and ran to the cliff.

Folsom's eyeballs became living fire with the desperate gleam of the reckless chances of life. Cutthroat he might have been, but he was brave, and he proved the significance of Wade's attitude. "Pards, hyar's to luck!" he rang out, hoarsely, and with pantherish quickness he leaped for his gun.

"Which way did he go when he left you?" "Toward Fifteenth Street." "That is all." The lawyer turned briskly toward Kirby. "Mr. Lane, will you take the stand?" Every eye focused on the range rider. As he moved forward and took the oath the scribbling reporters found in his movements a pantherish lightness, in his compact figure rippling muscles perfectly under control.

Now, as his gaze took in the pantherish ferocity of her tense pose, he knew that she was keyed up for tragedy. She meant to defend the boy from him if it resulted in homicide. It did not occur to him to be afraid. He laughed aloud, half in admiration, half in derision. "I b'lieve you would, you spunky li'l wild cat," he told her in great good humor. "Run, Bob," called June to the boy.

Rand shot a glance at the hunter where he lounged against the window, a figure straight and lithe as an Indian, not tall, but gifted with a pantherish grace, and breathing a certain tawny brightness as of sunshine through pine needles. "You're daft!" he said; then after a moment, "Are you serious?" "Why should I not be serious?" asked Adam.