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In a striking passage he shows how, by turning Satan's temptations against himself, Christians may "Get the art as to outrun him in his own shoes, and make his own darts pierce himself." "What! didst thou never learn to outshoot the devil in his own bow, and cut off his head with his own sword as David served Goliath?"

"Folks been sayin' the same of you," said High Chin, turning to the supervisor. "Oh, folks will talk. They're made that way," chuckled Shoop. "Well, I got ten bucks that says High Chin can outshoot any hombre in this crowd," said a Starr boy. "I'm right glad you got it," said Shoop pleasantly. "Meanin' I stand to lose it, eh?" "Oh, gosh, no! You're steppin' on your bridle.

The third reason that the king's advisor was grieved about the "score ahead and wed" method of selecting the princess' groom was that the only person in all the realm who could outshoot Sir Bargle was Sir Philo. Prithee, talk not to me about psychic conflict nay, psychic trauma, for I have seen it here, and it is not gentle.

If ye outshoot the knaves I will fill your caps with silver pennies; if ye fail ye shall lose your prizes that ye have won so fairly, and they go to them that shoot against you, man to man. Do your best, lads, and if ye win this bout ye shall be glad of it to the last days of your life. Go, now, and get you gone to the butts."

"I'll wager I can outrun you, outshoot you, outride you, throw you at wrestle, cast the knife or hatchet truer than can you, catch more fish than you and bigger ones at that!" With an impatient gesture, peculiarly graceful, like the half-salute of a friendly swordsman ere you draw and stand on guard: "Read the forest with me.

The fact that he could and did outdraw and outshoot me after I had started ... well, that's almost beyond comprehension." He looked back at Bart Stanton. "What's your opinion, Mr. Stanton? Think you can handle the Nipe?" Stanton paused imperceptibly before answering, while his ultrafast mind considered the problem and arrived at a decision. Just how much confidence should he show the colonel?

But neither is a stick of dynamite. An automatic pistol isn't anywhere as big as an old-fashioned blunderbuss. But it can outshoot and outkill the blunderbuss, with very little bother. Think it over. And, while you're thinking, stop to think, also, that a 'panhandler' doesn't do his work with a knife.

"'Tis no use," he cried; "I shall ne'er master the trick on't again; left hand and eye will not go together as did right hand and eye in the old days. Time was when I could outshoot thee three matches in four; now should I miss the side of a house at a hundred paces. Thy left arm serves thee better than thy right ever did. I know no better marksman." Nick pulled musingly at his sandy beard.

"Thar hain't nothin' but a few turkeys left, 'n' ye'd better bar out the gun 'stid o' the gal, anyway, fer that gun kin outshoot any-thing in the mountains." The girl had been silently watching the group as if puzzled; and when Raines spoke her face tightened with sudden decision, and she strode swiftly toward them in time to overhear the young mountaineer's last words.

"In sooth, it is even as you say," Aylward answered, looking at it with contempt and dislike in his face. "I have seen them here upon the ramparts, and have also exchanged a buffet or two with him who had charge of them. He was jack-fool enough to think that with this leather pipe he could outshoot the best archer in Christendom.