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The Strength which made your black bow an instrument of doom made you who loose its shafts and me who can outshoot you far. As the arrow travels whither it is sent, and there does its appointed work, so do you travel and so do I, and many another thing, seen and unseen; and therefore I told you truly that although we differ in degree, yet we are one.

If ye outshoot the knaves I will fill your caps with silver pennies; if ye fail ye shall lose your prizes that ye have won so fairly, and they go to them that shoot against you, man to man. Do your best, lads, and if ye win this bout ye shall be glad of it to the last days of your life. Go, now, and get you gone to the butts."

By sainted Dick of Hampole! it will be a strange thing if I cannot outshoot that thing of thine, which to my eyes is more like a rat-trap than a bow. Will you try another flight, or do you stand by your last?" "Five hundred and eight paces will serve my turn," answered the Brabanter, looking askance at this new opponent. "Tut, John," whispered Aylward, "you never were a marksman.

Ye'd never kill no deer, nor rebels nuthor, with that kind o' shootin'. You Yanks are great on the sneak, but that's all the good it does, yet ye can't shoot fer a handful o' huckleberries." "Sneaks! Can't shoot!" roared Shorty. "I kin outshoot you or any other man in Jeff Davis's kingdom.

Ladd again refused to ride one of Belding's whites. He was quick and cold. "Get me a long-range rifle an' lots of shells. Rustle now," he said. "Laddy, you don't want to be weighted down?" protested Belding. "Shore I want a gun that'll outshoot the dinky little carbines an' muskets used by the rebels. Trot one out an' be quick." "I've got a .405, a long-barreled heavy rifle that'll shoot a mile.

"High, you're the best I ever stacked up against, exceptin' one, and it's right curious that he is just a-ridin' into this powwow. If you want to see what real shootin' is, get him to show you." "I don't know your friend," said High, eyeing the approaching horsemen, "but he's a beaut if he can outshoot you." "Outshoot me?

Jed Brower, it appeared, was a name to conjure with. He could ride any horse that ever stood on four legs, he could outshoot most of the boys in the neighborhood, and he never allowed any teacher to tell him what to do. He was Texas Brower's only boy, and always had his own way. His father was on the school board.

The second time Bud spoke of him he called him "Forbeszy," and Margaret perceived that here was Bud's model of manhood. Delicate Forbes could outshoot and outride even Jed Brower when he chose, and his courage with cattle was that of a man. Moreover, he was good to the younger boys and wasn't above pitching baseball with them when he had nothing better afoot.

ATTEN. Nay I think I should not have been forward to have given advice in the cause; but truly you have given me such an account of his villainies, that the hearing thereof has made me angry with him. WISE. In an angry mood we may soon outshoot ourselves, but poor wretch as he is, he is gone to his place.

Greg signaled for an outshoot. But Dick "made up" the ball and imitated his delivery of the throw before. "I'll get down and get it, this time!" flashed Martin resentfully. He did, only to find himself no nearer the ball than before. "Strike two!" Tittering came from the sides now, also some applause. The spectators had just begun to understand that Dick Prescott was pitching better ball.