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"'Yes, over there I see him, said my companion slowly. 'A cop a very necessary evil, highly ornamental cops are, and occasionally useful. Now kindly look over this way, deah boy, and you'll see two more of 'em. "They took me to Bellevue, and three days later I found myself echoing, 'Six one-thousand-dollar bills, fifty one-hundreds that's eleven thousand.

He opened the bag, counted out five one-thousand-dollar gold certificates of the United States of America and handed them to the captain. "The grand old rag," Michael J. murmured. "How many rascals fight under the flag of old King Spondulics!" "I believe you have an Irish chief engineer," von Staden continued.

The temporary custodian of the one-thousand-dollar bill mentally considered this pleasing project; his bleared eye glinted brighter. "Naw," he said, "not jist yit. If it's all the same to you, boss, I'll wait until I gits a good thirst on me. I think I'll go into that show yonder, to start on." He pointed a finger towards a near-by amusement enterprise.

Tutt vainly tried to grasp the fact that he was in his own native city of New York. Long sleeves covered with red and purple dragons hid his arms and hands, and below the collar a smooth tight surface of silk across his breast made access to his pockets quite impossible. In one of them reposed twenty one-thousand-dollar bills his fee for securing the acquittal of Mock Hen. Yes, he was in New York!

"Well, I drew that fool contract, an', after it was signed, Sam delivered ten one-thousand-dollar bills to the young man, who was to become his son-in-law the following month with the assistance of a caterer and a florist and a string-band, all from New Haven. "Within half an hour Dan Pettigrew came roarin' up in front o' my office in the big red automobile of his father's.

"You're a sweet picture of a dead game sport," he growled, shifting nervously in his chair. "I ain't got a gun; you an' Barbee have; go ahead an' call me all the names you like!" Steve counted the bank-notes in the wallet. Blenham had spoken truly; there were nine one-thousand-dollar bills. He put out his hand to Barbee for the tenth.

They were yellow backs and Donald was not at all surprised when the officer said: "Here are ten one-thousand-dollar bills in American money. We believe you are telling us the truth, as your words are corroborated by the men who brought him here. But if you are playing us false, we shall know how to reach you."

He stepped back into another room, and came to me, and handed me a brand-new one-thousand-dollar bill that had never been crumpled. I handed it back to him, and told him I would put up $500 of my own, and for him to put his money back; that if I lost, he could get it changed and give me $250. "All right," said he; and I bet $100 on the black, and won it.

He put the envelope in his pocket; and then the Governor came back, and after some talk about the interests of the public, he told him he'd concluded to veto that bill. 'Very well, Mr. Governor, said the old man, 'I have only this to say, and he took out the envelope. 'I have here fifty new one-thousand-dollar bills, which are yours if you sign that measure.

Either the tattered possessor of the one-thousand-dollar bill would be made welcome by a gratified proprietor and would be given the liberty of the entire island and would have columns written about him by a hundred gratified press-agents, or else there would be a call for the police and for the first time in the history of New York a man would be locked up, not for the common crime of having no money, but for having too much money.