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Some boys had made a raft, but I guess they got tired of playing with it, so I took the planks and boards. I found something else, too, Patrick!" "You did? What was that, Mike?" "A toy woolly Lamb on Wheels," answered the odd-job man. "It was on the raft. I brought it along with me. There it is, up on the seat," and he pointed to the toy. "A Lamb! A toy Lamb on Wheels!" exclaimed Patrick.

Mark Hall's back, an' so is Jim Hazard. What d'ye say?" Saxon nodded. "Only you won't be the odd-job man this time." "Nope. We can make trips in good weather horse-buyin'," Billy confirmed, his face beaming with self-satisfaction. "An' if that walkin' poet of the Marble House is around, I'll sure get the gloves on with 'm just in memory of the time he walked me off my legs " "Oh! Oh!" Saxon cried.

Haddon at once," she said to the odd-job man so soon as he brought the water; and added, seeing he hesitated, "I will tell you all about it when you come back." Presently Wedderburn opened his eyes again, and, seeing that he was troubled by the puzzle of his position, she explained to him, "You fainted in the hothouse." "And the orchid?" "I will see to that," she said.

"Oh!" ejaculated the odd-job man, who seemed to think that the millennium was not far off. And at that moment the carriage drew up before Ishmael's lodgings. And the driver and the professor carried the luggage into the front hall.

'If I might offer the warning, m'lady, said Wrench, 'not the cellar. It is full of coal. It would be placing temptation in the animal's way. The odd-job man endorsed this. 'Put him in the garage, then, said Lady Wetherby. The odd-job man departed, bearing his heaving bag at arm's length. The cook and the parlour-maid addressed themselves to comforting and healing the scullery-maid.

Then she turned, with Aunt Lucile, to such practical matters as bedding, brooms and tea-kettles. There was more to do than a first look had led them to suppose, and their schemes grew ambitious, besides, as they advanced with them, so that, for all the Briarean prodigies of Bill, the odd-job man, they went to bed dog tired at nine o'clock that night with their labors not more than half complete.

Theodore had had my orders to direct him in his work, and I was left free to enact the second scene of the moving drama in which I was determined to play the hero and to ring down the curtain to the sound of the wedding bells. I took on the work of odd-job man at 65 Rue des Pyramides. Yes, I! Even I, who had sat in the private room of an emperor discussing the destinies of Europe.

Evidently the old odd-job man, judging from his past and present experience, thought "That now the kingdom must be coming, And the years of jubilo." They returned to a late supper, and then retired to bed. Next morning they took the early train for Washington, where they arrived at seven o'clock.

"I can't tell you how glad and happy I am," said Mirabell. "I am glad I happened to find your toy for you," replied the odd-job man. Then, the little girl, nodding and smiling at Patrick and Mike, ran laughing across the yard to tell her mother the good news. "I'm never going to lose my Lamb on Wheels again!" said Mirabell.

She'd always wondered why she had it and I don't believe she ever remembered to go back for it. And Janet had a nephew, a cross-eyed nephew, who was an odd-job man. Can't you see Dulcie buying the bags of creamy kalsomine and the brushes and Janet packing up her pails and scrubbing things?