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But he now paid his debts; he now, by advice of Maxime, had a little carriage; he was admitted to the Jockey Club and to the club of the rue de Gramont; he became supremely elegant, and he published in the "Journal des Debats" a novelette which won him in a few days a reputation which authors by profession obtain after years of toil and successes only; for there is nothing so usurping in Paris as that which ought to be ephemeral.

"I was going to a boring big dinner this evening when your telegram arrived, and your coming in this way suggested something sufficiently important to detain me, so I sent an excuse, and have had a wholesome chop, and eh a real good time," he added confidentially, tapping the novelette. "Extraordinary production this, really. Most entertaining.

"Wot does she want for 'em?" asked Mrs Yabsley, with a curious look. "Seven quid, an' they'd set a man up fer life," said Jonah. "Ah! that's a lot o' money," said Mrs Yabsley, raking the ashes from under the copper. "Wait till this water boils, an' we'll talk things over." Ada returned to her novelette. Ray, sitting upright with an effort, gurgled with pleasure to see his father.

"Don't say as a big brother," she cried, "or you will make me feel like a penny novelette!" "I cannot believe that you ever read a penny novelette." "No; I didn't. But mother read them, and dad used to tear pages out to light his pipe before mother had finished.

He had the artistic temperament, and wanted a story to be better than God meant it to be. He had a lot of odd biases, too. Jews, for example, made him see red. Jews and the high finance. 'The Black Stone, he repeated. 'DER SCHWARZE STEIN. It's like a penny novelette. And all this stuff about Karolides.

It can be conceived neither as part of a Novel nor as elaborated and expanded so as to form a Novel. A good Short-story is no more the synopsis of a Novel than it is an episode from a Novel. A slight Novel, or a Novel cut down, is a Novelette: it is not a Short-story. Mr.

Yes, such would undoubtedly have been my description had I posed as the momentary hero of a penny novelette. I forgot all about my luggage, imbecilely clinging to the late habitation of the lost beast Beauty, wandering I knew not why nor whither. Outside the station, round a quiet corner, my steps were arrested by the surprising sight of Beauty! the very identical devil himself!

Already in the first year of her literary career her keen appreciation of the art and its higher influences had prompted her clever novelette La Marquise.

He had intended to incorporate more of the general history of the time, but space forbade, so he can only recommend his readers who are curious to know more of the period to the Life of Simon de Montfort, by Canon Creighton , which will serve well to accompany the novelette.

His name sounds like the hero of a servant's novelette, but he doesn't look like that. He looks like a chucker-out in a back-street pub. His father's the Marquis of Dulbury. He's the second son. The eldest is sillier, but it's all been hushed up. Anything else you want to know?" "I'm just interested, that's all!" "Her brother ... I told you, didn't I? ... was at Cambridge with us.