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Almost coincidently with the administration of nitroglycerin or the amyl nitrite, a hypodermic injection of 1/8 or 1/6 grain of morphin sulphate should be given without atropin, as full relaxation is desired without any stimulation of atropin. Alcohol is also a valuable treatment of this pain, when the drugs mentioned are not at hand.

Keep patient warm, and inject a pint of hot strong coffee into the rectum. Nitrite of amyl and artificial respiration. Tests. Heated with caustic potash, it yields chloroform and potassium formate. The chloroform is readily recognized by its odour, and, if the solution be concentrated, by separating as a heavy layer at the bottom of the test-tube.

One of the most important indications for the use of the drug is threatening paralysis of the heart from insufficient compensation. In such cases it is necessary to gain time until digitalis and alcoholics can unfold their action, and here nitrite of amyl stands pre-eminent. A single case in point will suffice to illustrate this.

They use various derivatives of opium, like morphine and heroin, also codeine, dionin, narcein, ethyl chloride and bromide, nitrite of amyl, amylin, and the skill that they have acquired in the manipulation of these powerful drugs stamps them as the most dangerous coterie of criminals in existence.

The perplexed physician gave up the problem. "The drug," he went on to explain, "amyl nitrite comes in pearl capsules and is crushed in a handkerchief and the fumes inhaled." Mrs. Brewster leaned forward suddenly. "Would that cause death?" she asked. Stone shook his head in denial. "Not the customary dose of three minims," he answered, and turning, found that Barbara had stolen from the room.

I had obtained good results in such cases by the inhalation of nitrite of amyl, and the present seemed an admirable opportunity of testing its virtues. The bottle was downstairs in my laboratory, so leaving my patient seated in his chair, I ran down to get it. There was some little delay in finding it five minutes, let us say and then I returned.

The only value of the nitrites is when the blood pressure is high and the nitrite action is desired on that account. Coffee or caffein often causes these hearts to become irritable; it certainly raises the blood pressure, and therefore is not generally advisable. Both tea and coffee should generally be prohibited. During the acute faint attack, camphor is one of the best stimulants.

So as soon as I could I telephoned to Philip to meet me at the police court and to bring some amyl nitrite capsules with him." "And the note, Sylvester, which you saw Miss McIntyre give me in court," concluded Rochester, as Helen paused, "told me to hand the capsules to the burglar and to defend him in court. I did both, although badly puzzled by the request." Rochester hesitated.

I'll hide here as soon as we hear her. That's a pretty nice private ambulance you have down there. Did you tell the elevator boy that she had suddenly been taken ill? That's all fixed, then. I've got the stuff amyl nitrite she'll go off like a shot. But we'll have to work quick. It only keeps her under a few minutes. I can't wear this mask down and I'm afraid some one will recognize me.

"I carried out your wishes, Helen, without question; but when the burglar's identity was revealed, I jumped to the conclusion that you had used me as an instrument to kill him, for I knew something of the effects of amyl nitrite." "Great Heavens!" exclaimed Helen, aghast.