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On a vessel, is a new-fangled Americanism, that is neither fish, flesh, nor red-herring, as we sailors say neither English nor Greek." "What should I say, then? My wish is not to parade sea-talk, but to use it correctly, when I use it at all." "The expression is hardly `sea-talk, as you call it, but every-day English that is, when rightly used.

That's not the way to beat those Boers." Francie alone had the hardihood to observe: "What is, then, Uncle Timothy?" "All this new-fangled volunteerin' and expense lettin' money out of the country." Just then Aunt Hester brought in the map, handling it like a baby with eruptions.

A pistol that has been shot off has potassium sulphide from the powder in the barrel. Later, it oxidizes and iron oxide is found. This weapon has neither the sulphide nor the oxide, as far as I can determine. It has never even been discharged. No, it was not the pistol found on Forbes that figured in this case. "As far as that new-fangled gun goes, Forbes, it was a frame-up.

Memories that wouldn't have batted an eye for all the Gabriel Trumpets in Eternity leaping to life at the sound of a twopenny horn! Merry Folk who were with us once and are no more! Dream Folk who have never been with us yet but will be some time! Ache of old carols! Zest of new-fangled games! Flavor of puddings! Shine of silver and glass! The pleasant frosty smell of the Express-man!

"Well, lots and lots of farmers just waste their land and themselves, Mrs. Pratt. You're not the only one. My father has a farm, and in his section he's done his level best to make the regular farmers see that there are new ways of farming, just as there are new ways of doing everything else." "That's what my poor husband always said. He had all sorts of new-fangled ideas, as I used to call them.

Without a sight of our harvest-fields and threshing-floors foreigners would carry away an incomplete impression of our industrial methods, the farm being our great factory. The oar, the rifle and the racer are as impatient of walls as the plough and its new-fangled allies.

Possibly the sight of the white ensign had caused him to imagine that his rescuer was, as Mildmay had remarked but a short time before, in connection with the pirates, "some sort of new-fangled British gun-boat;" and past experience would doubtless have taught him that the British naval officer has an inveterate habit of getting right to the bottom of things whenever he encounters anything that has the least smack of irregularity about it.

They may be a lot more smart and new-fangled than what we have out here in Minnesota, and we may be a lot of old fogies, but we are not narrow, and we wish to give him just as much right of free speech we wish there is uh no slightest uh desire, in fact, to impose any authority on any one. But against any perversive doctrine we must in all honesty take a firm stand.

He has spent thousands on the farm, and it has been a dead loss from the beginning. He knew as much about farming as Carrie does. Stuff and nonsense! And then he must needs dabble in shares for Spanish mines; and that new-fangled Wheal Catherine affair that has gone to smash lately. Every penny gone; and a wife, and how many of you are there, Esther?"

Edward laught as he turned over the leaves of the strange book. "None of your scoffing, young gentleman!" cried the old man: "so you too are one of their super-clever new-fangled wiseacres.