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Namslau ours. We, in return, will proceed no farther. We will besiege Neisse for form; the Commandant shall surrender and depart. We will pass quietly into winter-quarters; and the Austrian Army may go whither it will. Excellency Hyndford thinks, Yes; will try his very utmost! "AU CAMP DE NEUENDORF, 16me septembre, a 9 heures du seir. Hatez-vous, Milord, tout ce que vous pourrez au monde.

Monday, 9th, day when that sputter at Ottmachau began, Prussian light-troops appeared transiently on the heights about Neisse, for the first time. Directly on sight of whom, Commandant Roth assembled the Burghers of the place; took a new Oath of Fidelity from one and all; admonished them to do their utmost, as they should see him do.

Next day, Winterfeld, with a detached Division, crossed the Neisse, tried Nadasti: "Attack Nadasti, on his woody knoll at Hirschfeld yonder; they will have to rise and save him!" No Battle to be had from these Austrians. Arrives in Dresden, Monday, August 29th; and Or let the old Newspaper report it, with the features of life:

Agnes Day, "21st January, if not a Sunday," there is a Wine-fair here; Hungarian, of every quality from Tokay downward, is gathered here for distribution into Germany and all the Western Countries. While you drink your Tokay, know that it comes through Neisse. St. Agnes Day falls but unhandily this year; and I think the Fair will, as they say, AUSBLEIBEN, or not be held.

Two things surprise Valori: first, the great strength, impregnable as it were, to which Neisse has been brought since he saw it last, superlative condition of that Fortress, and of the Army itself, as it gathers daily more and more about Frankenstein here: and then secondly, and contrariwise, the strangely neglected posture of mountainous or Upper Silesia, given up to Pandours.

Trenck, some months after, got clambered out of Glatz, by sewers, or I forget how; and leaped, or dropped, from some parapet into the River Neisse, sinking to the loins in tough mud, so that he could not stir. "Fouquet let me stand there half a day, before he would pick me out again."

This place, my Dryasdust informs me, had many accidents by floodage and by fire; was seized and re-seized in the Thirty-Years War especially, at a great rate: Saxon Arnheim, Austrian Holk, Swedish Torstenson; no end to the battering and burning poor Neisse had, to the big ransoms "in new Reichs-thalers and 300 casks of wine." But it always rebuilt itself, and began business again.

"APRIL 4th, HEAD-QUARTERS NEUSTADT. By violent exertion, with the sacrifice only of some remote little storehouses, all is rendezvoused at Jagerndorf, within two days; and this day they march; King and vanguard reaching Neustadt, some twenty-five miles forward, some twenty still from Neisse.

General Browne is at present in the Southern parts; an able active man and soldier; but, with such a force what can he attempt to do? Browne is in Neisse; and will start into a strange stare when the flying post reaches him: Prussians actually on march!

Namslau's answer was likewise stiffly in the negative; and Jeetz cannot do Namslau, at least not the Castle, all at once; having no siege-cannon. Seeing such stiffness everywhere, Friedrich writes to Glogau, to the Young Dessauer, "Siege-artillery hither! Swift, by the Oder; you don't need it where you are!" and wishes it were arrived, for behoof of Neisse and these stiff humors.