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He falls off his hoss, with that load of Red Dog whiskey, an' every notion or idee or sensation absolootely effaced. An' where Charlie loses is, he falls by a ant hill. Yes; they shorely takes Charlie in. Thar's nothin' left of him when the teamster locates the remainder, but his clothes, his spurs an' his 'natomy.

"Why, locked up in the surgery cupboard along with the 'natomy bones and the sticking-plaster roll." "What! Has your father locked them up?" "Yes, he has locked them up, and says he isn't going to run all over the country seeing patients to find me in clothes to lose just as if I could help it." "But haven't you been measured for some more?"

He looked around, and was apparently surprised to see the musicians standing there. 'Have you buried a man here? he asked. 'No. We bain't Sidlinch folk, thank God; we be Newton choir. Though a man is just buried here, that's true; and we've raised a carrel over the poor mortal's natomy.

Perhaps she 'ad a few wire pins in her 'natomy; but no j'ints proper." "So you believe in this ghost?" "Can't help it, yer honour." "Simon, I don't. There's some deep-laid scheme on foot somewhere; and I think I can guess who's working it." Simon started. "You don't think that 'ere waccinatin', sumnamblifyin' willain 'ev got the thing in 'and?" I didn't speak, but looked keenly at him.

But Mr Dragwell did not admire such remonstrance; so taking his pipe out of his mouth, he retorted "If your husband does put up a sign, I recommend him to stick you up as the 'Good Woman; that would be without your head Ha, ha, ha!" "He, he, he!" "He, he, he! you pitiful 'natomy," cried Mrs Forster, in a rage, turning to the clerk, as she dared not revenge herself upon the curate.

'My! they be a sight too big in the band! Run in, Harold, and see if your mother can lend us a pin. 'And the waistcoat is my summer one, said Fred Bunting. 'He's too big too; why, Paul, you're no better than a natomy! 'Never mind, my white frock will hide it all, said Charles, 'and here's Ned's cap for you. Oh! and it's poor Alfred's boots.

I looked at her close as I passed, an' although I saw nauthin' but her ribs, she made me think o' a 'natomy; an' I looked all around, but saw no one, an' went down into the water, hevin' first ta'en off my shoes.

"So you see sir, I am not so badly off as many are; nay, if it were not that it costs me so much in 'pothecary's stuff for my poor wife, I should reckon myself well off; nay I do reckon myself well off, for blessed be God, he has granted her life to my prayers, and I would work myself to a 'natomy, and live on one meal a day, to add any comfort to her valuable life; indeed I have often done the last, and thought it no great matter neither."

But, though he was desperate in love with my cousin, she would give him no encouragement, and the poor fellow pined away, and neglected his wittles, and grew thin in flesh, until, from being called Fat Tom, he got to be nicknamed the 'Natomy, which means a skeleton.

'Twere a high smell, a sort of gamey flaviour, calling to mind venison and hare, just as you'd expect of a great squire, not like a poor man's 'natomy, at all; and that was what strengthened my faith that 'twas Sir Blount.