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Updated: August 9, 2024

Above the cascade the creek cut deep into the table land, making a charming glen, with precipitous blue stone walls, some eighty or ninety feet in height, fringed with black wattle and lightwood, and here and there, among the fallen rocks nearest the water, a fern tree or so, which last I may say are no longer there, Dr. Mulhaus having cut the hearts out of them and eaten them for cabbage.

Then she went into the drawing-room, where, besides her father, were Major Buckley, Doctor Mulhaus, Frank Maberly, and the drunken doctor before spoken of, who had had the sublime pleasure of cutting a bullet from his old adversary's arm, and was now in a fair way to justify the SOBRIQUET I have so often applied to him. I myself also was sitting next the fire, alongside of Frank Maberly.

That was a year ago last August " He looked at the sleeping girl beside him: "My little comrade and I undressed the swine and took their uniforms.... After a long while privations had made us both light-headed I think we saw a camp of the insane in the woods a fresh relay from Mulhaus. We talked with their guards being in Landwehr uniform it was easy. The insane were clothed like miners.

Mulhaus, the mysterious German, with his good-humoured roar, first heard at old Drumston, and with us to the end, who is everybody's friend and counsellor, and beloved by all except George Hawker, of whose 'tom-cat' skull he has made that amusingly audacious examination at the beginning of their acquaintance.

Mulhaus, when he came to reside in this village?" asked Miss Thornton. "Yes; Lord C , whom I knew at Oxford, recommended me to him." "His real name, I daresay, is not Mulhaus. Do you know what his real name is, brother?" How very awkward plain plump questions of this kind are. The Vicar would have liked to answer "No," but he could not tell a lie.

"Dear me," said the Vicar, "then what do you dress yourself in that style for? So old Jewel is worse." "Us don't think a'll live the night." "Is the doctor with him?" said the Vicar. "The 'Talian's with un." By which he understood her to mean Dr. Mulhaus, all foreigners being considered to be Italians in Drumston. An idea they got, I take it, from the wandering organ men being of that nation.

He stood in the candle-light, smiling blandly, while we all stayed for an instant, after our first exclamation, speechless with astonishment. The Major was the first who showed signs of consciousness, for I verily believe that one half of the company at least believed him to be a ghost. "You are the man," said the Major, "who in the flesh called himself Maximilian Mulhaus!

The doctor explained to Edith that he had been getting fair wages in a type-foundry until he had become too weak to go any longer to the shop. It was rather hard to have to sit there all day, he explained to the doctor, but they were getting along. Mrs. Mulhaus had got a job of cleaning that day; that would be fifty cents. Ally she was twelve was learning to sew.

"Don't say anything more about him," said the Doctor in a low voice. "It's a tender subject in this house." "It is, eh!" said my Lord; "thanks for the hint, good bah! Mulhaus. Let us go up and have half an hour with Miss Thornton before I go!" They went up, and then her father followed. He seemed flushed, and she thought he must have been drinking too much wine.

Doctor Mulhaus, put your good advice into your pocket and smoke your pipe. Here is one who can exert a greater power for good or evil than all of you put together. It was written of old, "A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his " Hallo! I am getting on rather fast, I am afraid. He had risen to meet her. "And you, Miss Brentwood," he said, "are tolerably well known to me.

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