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"All through the dinner he talked in monosyllables, answering my questions but offering few topics of his own; and although I did my best to draw him out, he made no statement of any kind that would give me the slightest clew as to his antecedents or that would lead up either to his occupation or his purpose in seeking me out.

Marien at last, tired of responding in monosyllables to his remarks, said abruptly, a short time before dessert was placed upon the table, something about the probability of his soon going to Italy. "A pilgrimage of art to Florence!" cried the Baron, turning at once from politics. "That's good. But wait a little let it be after the rising of the Chamber. We will follow your steps.

Claude, with his heart throbbing, answered her in monosyllables, moved to tears, brimming over with gratitude to his old chums for their discreet behaviour. A few days later, however, he had another shock. He did not expect Christine, and had therefore made an appointment with Sandoz.

"Now, then, are you ready?" cried Mr. Brown, "and I felt the snake suddenly cease its gyrations and strain to effect its escape, but I held on with a hand of iron. "When I say three, do you let go suddenly," my friend exclaimed. I was only too willing. "One." "Two." It seemed an age between the monosyllables, yet I held on patiently. "Three." I released my hold, and Mr.

He had quite forgotten his struggle to kiss her when, in the early summer, they had driven in the opposite direction along the same road. But she had not, and she sat now, like a puppet, replying to his remarks in monosyllables. After some miles they came in view of the clump of trees beyond which the village of Marlott stood.

Simcox himself averred. She could read aloud and fluently to Maltravers, and copied out his poetry in a small, fluctuating hand, and he had no longer to chase throughout his vocabulary for short Saxon monosyllables to make the bridge of intercourse between their ideas. Eros and Psyche are ever united, and Love opens all the petals of the soul.

I am prepared to accompany you to his Highness, or not, as you please. It is but a question of dotation, and a selection from one or two monosyllables. Janet shook her dress. The squire replied: 'We 'll take that up presently. I haven't quite done. Will you tell me what agent paid you the sum of money? 'The usual agent a solicitor, Mr.

Tom answered in monosyllables, and looked fearfully sheepish, and found his best policy was always to keep his mouth full, and so have the excuse of good manners on his side for his silence.

It was not much inferior to the royal lodgings, except in the matter of dais, canopy, and tapestry, and the window looked out into the country, so that the King said he had loved it, and it had many a happy thought connected with it. Hal followed him in a sort of silent wonder, if not awe, not daring to answer him in monosyllables. This was not quite the hermit of Derwentdale.

"Damn Jimmy Urquhart," he said to himself. "Now I shall have to work for my living which I hate, after dinner." But he did it. "We'll go and talk to the Judge," he said to his company, and led the way. Urquhart settled down to claret, and was taciturn. He answered Linden's tentative openings in monosyllables. But he and the Judge got on very well.