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Updated: August 7, 2024

Charmond's carriage. But they never attempted to pass it till the latter conveyance turned towards the park gate, when they sped by. Here the carriage drew up that the gate might be opened, and in the momentary silence Marty heard a gentle oral sound, soft as a breeze. "What's that?" she whispered. "Mis'ess yawning." "Why should she yawn?"

"And did any of you know Miss Everdene's-father and mother?" inquired the shepherd, who found some difficulty in keeping the conversation in the desired channel. "I knew them a little." said Jacob Smallbury; "but they were townsfolk, and didn't live here. They've been dead for years. Father, what sort of people were mis'ess' father and mother?"

Isn't it spoke like a man, Timothy, and wasn't Mis'ess Yeobright wrong about me?" "Yes, it will do. I didn't know the two had walked together since last fall, when her aunt forbad the banns. How long has this new set-to been in mangling then? Do you know, Humphrey?" "Yes, how long?" said Grandfer Cantle smartly, likewise turning to Humphrey. "I ask that question."

"Now, Grandfer," said Timothy Fairway, "we are ashamed of ye. A reverent old patriarch man as you be seventy if a day to go hornpiping like that by yourself!" "A harrowing old man, Mis'ess Yeobright," said Christian despondingly. "I wouldn't live with him a week, so playward as he is, if I could get away."

But, as soon as I had spoken, Jemima burst into an Irish wail, mingled with sobs and tears, crying between the convulsions of all three, I thought there was something wrong, mis'ess. You and master looked so scared-like. Please, mis'ess, don't send me away." "I never wanted to send you away, Jemima. You wanted to go yourself." "No, ma'am; that I didn't. I only wanted you to ask me to stop.

'I come for the newspaper and other things, she said, perplexed by a doubt whether he were there by accident or design. They moved on in silence, Festus beating the grass with his switch in a masterful way. 'Did you speak, Mis'ess Anne? he asked. 'No, said Anne. 'Ten thousand pardons. I thought you did. Now don't let me drive you out of the path.

Now we are here we'll help ye get ready for the rest. Here, mis'ess, take off your things, and help him out in his baking, or he won't get done to-night. I'll finish heating the oven, and set you free to go and skiver up them ducks." His eye had passed with pitiless directness of criticism into yet remote recesses of Winterborne's awkwardly built premises, where the aforesaid birds were hanging.

But curiosity being awakened by the church bells the usual position was for the moment reversed, and one of the farmers, saluting him by name, asked him the reason of their striking up at that time of day. 'My mis'ess out yonder, replied the rural landlord, nodding sideways, 'is coming home with her fancy-man.

'You can feel 'em quite plain, Mis'ess Anne. If ye would like to, he'll undo his sleeve in a minute to oblege ye? 'O no, no, please not! I quite understand, said the young woman. 'Do she want to hear or see any more, or don't she? the corporal inquired, with a sense that his time was getting wasted. Anne explained that she did not on any account; and managed to escape from the corner.

"She's not over intimate with him," said Gabriel, indignantly. "She would know better," said Coggan. "Our mis'ess has too much sense under they knots of black hair to do such a mad thing." "You see, he's not a coarse, ignorant man, for he was well brought up," said Matthew, dubiously. "'Twas only wildness that made him a soldier, and maids rather like your man of sin."

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