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Stanyer Phelps, the American, was there and very witty. And we had a marvellous supreme de volaille. Everybody asked after you." Mrs. Merillia nodded, like an accustomed queen who receives her due. She knew very well that she was the most popular old woman in London, knew it too well to think about it. "Well, good-night, grannie."

"Pray, Sir Tiglath," she said almost severely, "don't. With my sprained ankle I am really not equal to it." Sir Tiglath had enough chivalry to stop, and Lady Enid once again chipped in. "But, really, I'm almost sure Malkiel is a " She caught the Prophet's eye, as Mrs. Merillia had, and paused. He turned to the astronomer. "But how can a company make itself into a prophet?" he asked.

In the beginning of this new dejection of hers, Mrs. Merillia was now seated in a stage box at the "Gaiety," with an elderly General of Life Guards, a Mistress of the Robes, and the grandfather of the Central American Ambassador at the Court of St.

It was answered. The procession was re-formed, and Mrs. Merillia was carried to bed, still smiling, nodding at each stair and bearing herself with admirable courage. As Mr. Ferdinand and Gustavus descended to the basement after the completion of their unusual task, the latter said solemnly,

Merillia, and was conversing with her about the Court, the dreadful amount of money a certain duke her third cousin had recently had to pay in Death Duties, the corrupt condition of society, and the absurd pretensions of the lower middle classes. Lady Julia was sensitive and a very grande dame. She wore her hair powdered, and had a slight cough and exquisite manners.

"I hope not, grannie," said the Prophet. But he looked meditative. Mr. Ferdinand brought the toast and water, the sandwich and the fan. When he had trodden across the carpet out of the room Mrs. Merillia continued, "Hennessey, you see where this prophetic business is leadin' you. It has made you charmed at my accident. Yes, it has."

He quotes the prices of the shares in him, and declares dividends, and carries balances forward, and some day will wind himself up or cast himself anew upon the mercy of the market. Part of him is probably Jew, part South African and part America. The whole of him is thrice accursed." He began to expand once more, but Mrs. Merillia perceived the tendency and checked it in time.

Merillia must not be dropped. You understand? That will do, Gustavus." And Mr. Ferdinand passed to the adjacent supper-table, to join the upper housemaid in a discussion of two subjects that were very near to their hearts, a round of beef and a tureen of pickled cabbage, while Gustavus got up from the what-not in a bemused manner, and proceeded to search dreamily for an armchair.

And now your first tooth?" "My first what!" cried Mrs. Merillia in almost terrified amazement. "Tooth when did you cut it?" "I have no idea. Surely, Hennessey " "Answered, dearest grannie!" cried the Prophet, with gathering agitation. "Did you ever wear a short coat?" "I I'm not a man!" "You didn't! Always a skirt?" "Of course! Why " "And you're sixty-eight on the twentieth.

Have you?" "Certainly not! As if any gentlewoman " "Answered, grannie, answered! Eight!" "Eight what?" "Questions. Thank you, dearest grannie. I knew you'd tell me, I knew you would!" And the Prophet rushed from the room, leaving Mrs. Merillia in a condition that cannot be described and that not all the subsequent ministrations of Mrs. Fancy Quinglet were able to alleviate.