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There was the battle indeed, a sight so vivid to me after all these years that I can call it again before me when I will. The toy men-o'-war, with sails set, ranging in front of the fort. They looked at my distance to be pressed against it. White puffs, like cotton balls, would dart one after another from a ship's side, melt into a cloud, float over her spars, and hide her from my view.

Pitcairn swarmed at once to the cliffs with flushed faces, glittering eyes, and hopeful looks. Yes, there they were, and no mistake, two ships! "They're men-o'-war, father," said Thursday October Christian, a little anxiously. "So I see, lad; but I won't hide this time. I don't believe they'd think it worth while hangin' me now. Anyhow, I'll risk it."

There were several men-o'-war and a whole fleet of merchantmen lying at anchor in the bay, off Bridgetown, which led me to conjecture that a large convoy had either just arrived from home or was mustering there for the homeward passage.

Fortunately for Purchase, the sentence was not quite so severe as it sounded, for the Osprey one of the men-o'-war in harbour happened to have a vacancy for a lieutenant, and the Commodore, after hearing Purchase's story of the disaster from his own lips, unhesitatingly gave him the appointment.

"All right, sah; if I see him I'll stop him, nebbah feah, sah," replied the waiter, with a grin; and therewith I hurried away to my room to dress. I arrived at the Pen just in time for dinner, and found myself one of an unusually large party of guests, several men-o'-war being in port at the time, while a large contingent of civilians might always be met at the admiral's table.

Then, from the wharves, I saw the bay dotted with islands, their white sand sparkling in the evening light, and fringed with strange trees, and beyond, of a deepening blue, the ocean. And nearer, greatest of all delights to me, riding on the swell was a fleet of ships. My father gazed at them long and silently, his palm over his eyes. "Men-o'-war from the old country, lad," he said after a while.

There was the battle indeed, a sight so vivid to me after all these years that I can call it again before me when I will. The toy men-o'-war, with sails set, ranging in front of the fort. They looked at my distance to be pressed against it. White puffs, like cotton balls, would dart one after another from a ship's side, melt into a cloud, float over her spars, and hide her from my view.

"Don't talk nonsense." This was my début, I suppose? "Then tell me what you were unprepared for in me." "I was prepared for it at first, before I saw you. But " "What?" "Well, if you will have it, for your flirting." Suddenly I felt impish, and said, innocently, that I supposed it was what girls came on board men-o'-war to do, so I had only done my best to please.

She's been on the watch for this fleet for the last week or more, you may depend on it, and now she has gone back to report the news to her consorts that the West India convoy has sailed. Mark my words, sir; we shall all have to keep a good sharp lookout, or a few of us will be snapped up yet, in spite of the men-o'-war, before we sight the next land."

Butler's boat-house by six o'clock on the following evening, where they were to be taken charge of by the smugglers, of whom Frank was chosen leader. It was also understood that the smugglers were to carry the provisions all in one boat, and were to be allowed to take every possible advantage of the "men-o'-war," and to make every effort to land the provisions on the island.