Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 24, 2024

The girls could hear the sparks crackle and snap spitefully. "Oh, look at the fireworkth!" cried Tommy out loud. "The thhip ith on fire!" Harriet laid a firm hand on her arm. "Keep still!" A faint squealing sound was now distinguishable, while the sparking at the masthead continued with almost rhythmic regularity. "I know! I know what it is!" gasped Harriet excitedly. "Listen, Tommy, listen.

He seemed able to hold up a horse by his single weight when it was swinging from the masthead, and preserved a humorous calm even in moments of the wildest excitement.

They looked uncouth and predatory, like a pair of seals that I once saw swimming far up the river Ristigouche in chase of fish. From the bow of each canoe the landing-net stuck out as a symbol of destruction after the fashion of the Dutch admiral who nailed a broom to his masthead.

Jean, run up the flag, while I load her up again." And Jean having once more hoisted the skull and cross-bones at our masthead, and assumed a specially savage scowl as he stood with folded arms on our bow deck, we made what a mild imagination might have called rather an impressive entry as we swept into the Manning landing.

Great was the surprise of those watching events from the shore when they saw the French flag lowered from the masthead of the visitor and in its place the German naval ensign run up.

Without a word the colonel sprang on his horse; I imitated him, and we galloped as hard as we could, everyone making way before our furious charge. Alas! we were too late. As we drew rein on the quay we saw, half a mile out to sea and sailing before a stiff breeze, Johnny Carr's little yacht, with the Aureataland flag floating defiantly at her masthead.

"The seamen then carried that part of the cable which was on shipboard up to the masthead, while the men on shore made their end fast to a very strong post which they set in the ground. The seamen drew the cable as tight as they could, and fastened their end very strongly to the masthead.

The British ensign flying at the masthead of the approaching cruiser suddenly came fluttering down, and a moment later the Red, white and Black of Germany fluttered aloft in its stead. "By Jove!" exclaimed Jack. "I was afraid of it!" At the same moment another shot crossed the Lena's bow. Jack acted with decision and promptness. At a quick command the Lena raised the German flag.

We may make that." But the current, sucking between the two islands, swept them to the northwest, and at one in the afternoon they saw the palms of Katiu rise above the sea and sink back into the sea again. A few minutes later, just as the captain had discovered that a new current from the northeast had gripped the Pyrenees, the masthead lookouts raised cocoanut palms in the northwest.

Then he called down to Biffens to follow and aid Eph Somers. It was almost dark now. Jack, reaching over, switched on the electric sidelights outside, and also the white light at the signal masthead. Then he turned on the searchlight, sending its bright ray through the gathering darkness. "Look over there, sir," muttered Jack, holding the searchlight ray steadily on an object he believed he saw.

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