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Updated: August 24, 2024

"If we reach the North Pole at all," observed Mr Dicey, "I'll climb up to the top of it and stand on my head, I will!" The second mate evidently had no expectation of reaching that mysterious pole, which men have so long and so often tried to find, in vain. "Heavy ice ahead, sir," shouted Mr Mansell, who was at the masthead with a telescope. "Where away?"

"But it shall be, by G !" said the irascible Creole. "Captain Reud," said I, "let me entreat you for this once only " "Boatswain's mate " "Oh, Captain Reud, if you knew what a strange sympathy " "The thief's cat." "Indeed, sir, since he has been on board he has never stolen " "Mr Rattlin, another word, and the masthead. Stand back, Stebbins! let Douglas give him the first dozen."

Foker called out from the masthead "A whale alee!" All looks turned to the direction indicated. A small spout was perceived coming up out of the sea about a mile from the brig. "There she spouts!" cried Simpson, who knew what that meant. "She has disappeared!" answered the doctor. "Oh, we could find her again easily enough if necessary!" said Simpson, with an accent of regret.

She said that years and years ago a schooner put out from this town on a whaling cruise, and was gone more than a year. When it was crossing the equator, headed for home, the look- out at the masthead saw a strange object in the water that looked like a woman afloat. The Captain gave orders to lower the boats, and when they did so they found this figurehead.

As he did so he was conscious, though he did not turn his head, that close behind him, in the opening which he made in the crowd, his inevitable "Shadow" pursued him. The air breathed free and fresh outside. Ralph walked from St. Leonard's Gate by a back lane to the Dam Side. The river as well as the old town was illuminated. Every boat bore lamps to the masthead.

The wind was practically gone, though a heavy ground swell still met the boat from the northwest; and as there was no moon, nor starlight, and as all lights were out but the white masthead and red and green side lights, invisible from aft, but dimly lighting the sea ahead, the sight presented was unusual and awe-inspiring.

Scarcely had the enemy disappeared, when the lookout at the masthead reported a large ship on the lee beam. Every exertion that could be made was applied to get the Gannet into a condition to chase, and in an hour's time, under a wide spread of canvas she was standing after the stranger.

Every brace and bowline were taut, and every man on board, apprised of what was expected of him, was soon at his post of duty; each, as he took his position, cast a hasty glance at Perry's battle flag then flying from the masthead of the Niagara, and as he took in the dying words of the noble Lawrence, formed a solemn resolve to obey their mandate and made that resolve a sacrament.

Now we could see that many of her crew, which did not seem large, were armed, and I thought little of that, seeing that there were Danes about. But Thorgils waxed silent, and sent a man to the masthead suddenly, for some reason which was not plain to me. No sooner was the man there than he shouted somewhat in broad Norse sea language, which made our skipper start and knit his brows.

I had observed by the telescope that the giraffes were standing as usual upon an elevated position, from whence they could keep a good lookout. I knew it would be useless to ascend the slope directly, as their long necks give these animals an advantage similar to that of the man at the masthead; therefore, although we had the wind in our favor, we should have been observed.

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