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Updated: August 25, 2024

He restored the ancient church of St. Giles there. Novelist, was in the navy, in which he rose to the rank of Captain. Retiring in 1827, he wrote several sea novels somewhat in the style of Marryat, including Life of a Sailor , Ben Brace, Jack Adams, and Tom Bowling . He also continued James's Naval History, and wrote books of travel.

The road passed through a grove of olive-trees; it reminded the student of the willow-trees at home. Here stood a lonely inn, and close by it a number of crippled beggars had placed themselves; the brightest among them looked, to quote the words of Marryat, "like the eldest son of Famine who had just come of age."

"I have some brandy and rum; nothing else," Charlie said. "But what will be better than either for you is a cup of tea. Hossein makes it as well as ever. I suppose you have dined?" "Yes, half an hour ago." Just as Charlie finished his meal, Major Eyre Coote put his head into the tent. "Marryat, the chief has changed his mind.

"Well, captain," Charlie said to that officer, "I congratulate you on the behaviour of the ship. It has been a tremendous gale, and she has weathered it stoutly." "Yes, Captain Marryat, she has done well. I have only once or twice been out in so severe a storm, since I came to sea." "And where are we now?" Charlie asked, looking round the horizon. "When shall we be at Madras?"

I saw that Marryat, not less than Homer, Milton, and Virgil, profited by the choice of a familiar and legendary subject; so that he prepared his readers on the very title-page; and this set me cudgelling my brains, if by any chance I could hit upon some similar belief to be the centre-piece of my own meditated fiction.

The rajah was so terrified that, that night, he started with his troops without giving any information of his intentions to Colonel Forde; and dilatory as were his motions in general, he, on this occasion, marched sixteen miles before daybreak. The instant Colonel Forde heard that he had left, he sent for Charlie Marryat.

Marryat found that the utmost she could hope to do, with her scanty income, was to maintain herself and daughters, and to educate them until they should reach an age when they could earn their own living as governesses; but that Charlie's keep and education were beyond her resources.

I've got my ticket, papers in order, but" he paused impressively, grasping my shoulders hard "I must get on board to-night." I stared him in the face. "Why?" I asked. He returned my look with one searching and eager; then: "If I show you the reason," said he, "and trust you with all my papers, will you go down to the dock it's no great distance and ask to see Marryat, the chief officer?

The Three Cutters was first published in one volume with The Pirate, containing a portrait of Marryat Drawn by W. Behnes, engraved by H. Cook; and "illustrated with twenty splendid engravings from drawings by Clarkson Stanfield, Esq., R.A." Peter Simple

Most of them will fail, for, as the bookseller's young man told an author once, they have the poetic temperament, without the poetic power. Still among these whom Pendennis has tempted, in boyhood, to run away from school to literature as Marryat has tempted others to run away to sea, there must be some who will succeed.

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