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Updated: August 3, 2024

Then the gossiping embraced the furniture and other articles in the room, which, however they might have been unnoticed before, had now assumed the usual interest when seen in the blue light of the acted tragedy: the small mahogany table and the two chairs how strange that they should be of mahogany! and some of the few marrowless plates in the rack over the fireplace, why, they were absolute china! but above all, the exquisite little bureau of French manufacture, with its drawers, its desk, and pigeon-holes, and cunning slides what on earth was it doing in that room, when its value even to a broker would have kept the woman alive for months?

Thy bones are marrowless; and you have not a particle of speculation about you." The waiter, quite unmoved, took up the sovereign, laid down the change which Fitz-Johnes promptly pocketed and retired from the room, leaving us to discuss our wine in peace; which we did, I taking three glasses, and my companions disposing of the remainder.

I was amazed when I heard this; but judge what I felt, when a pair of old marrowless stockings, darned in the heel, and not whole enough in the legs to make a pair of mittens to Mrs Balwhidder, were delivered to me by her executor, Mr Caption, the lawyer.

Perhaps the headache I contracted made me a severe critic on Cramond Brig, a little piece ascribed to Lockhart. Perhaps I am unjust, but I cannot think it his; there are so few good things in it, and so much prosing transferred from that mine of marrowless morality called the Miller of Mansfield. Yet it pleases. March 7.

It greatly vexed me that, on an occasion when a really talented man read something which was full of true wit, and admirably appropriate to the occasion, all the people yawned, and grew impatient of it; whilst they were charmed and delighted by the marrowless, spiritless trash of a conceited young poetaster.

And I witnessed with pity the endeavors of the so-called religious people, like my good wife Lucia, to escape the chill wind of the new knowledge by the fostering of a worn, patched and half-decayed Church system. Her cheerful acquiescence and placid contentment in the enervated, marrowless shadow of what was once, for a more childish generation, a solid joy, seemed pathetic to me.

HERMANN. That is my unceasing wish, most gracious sir. I thank you. FRANCIS. Really, Hermann! dost thou wish that I were master? But my father has the marrow of a lion in his bones, and I am but a younger son. HERMANN. I wish you were the eldest son, and that your father were as marrowless as a girl sinking in a consumption. FRANCIS. Ha! how that elder son would recompense thee!

"Fellow," replied Matteo, "take my advice; try first what you can do with me alone, and learn what sort of men you have to manage. Think you, we are marrowless boys, or delicate signors?" Abellino answered him by a scornful laugh. Matteo became furious. His companions shouted aloud, and clapped their hands. "To business!" said Abellino; "I'm now in a right humour for sport!

Thy bones are marrowless! Thy blood is cold! Thou hast no speculation in those eyes Which thou dost glare with?" "Begone! You're doomed! doomed! doomed!" shrieked the witch, retreating into her hut.

It is unnecessary to record the slight, graceful, marrowless talk into which he drew Mysie, and by which he both bewildered and bewitched her. But at length she rose, admonished by her inborn divinity, to seek her father. As she passed him, the baron took her hand and kissed it. She might well tremble. Even such contact was terrible. Why? Because there was no love in it.

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