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Updated: August 28, 2024

"This life was real, was dual body and mind as on Earth, and the woman hastening before me along the marge of the rippling stream I listened in a kind of feverish anticipation of its silence, for the low cadence of water passing over pebbles was Martha! It must be true! What agency of superhuman cruelty could thus deceive me?

The terrace led up on three sides from the marge of the height to the great portals. Over everything hung that imponderable essence that was clearer and purer than any light "better than any light that ever shone." In its glamourie, with that far ocean background, the palace of pale stone looked unearthly, a sky thing, with ramparts of air.

Tennyson renders very naturally the action of the northern farmer's nag and the sound of its movement, by "Proputty, proputty sticks an' proputty, proputty graws." And an excellent example of the effect of well-chosen words, to express the sound produced by the subject referred to, occurs in the Morte d'Arthur: "The many-knotted waterflags, That whistled stiff and dry about the marge."

He saw for the first time that his bed on the ground had been close to the wall of an old cabin which was in a little dip in the sloping face of the mountain. Before he could take in more, or discover a visible sign of their enemies, Marge had caught his hand and was drawing him to the end of the shack. She did not speak as she pointed downward.

Oh! never world was half so bright As is our fairy ring, Dear love! Our hallowed fairy ring. Our world of empire is not large, But priceless wealth it holds; A little heaven links marge to marge, But what rich realms it folds! And clasping all from outer strife Sits love with folded wing, A-brood o'er dearer life in life, Within our fairy ring, Dear love! Our hallowed fairy ring.

The fellow who did these has got a lot of original ideas." Mr. Lloyd came forward here with great interest. "Did any of you," turning to Elsie and Marge, "ask who brought the box?" "Yes," answered Elsie. "I asked Ann, and she said 'a bit of a boy brought 'em; she didn't know who he was." "Ask Rhoda to come here. She knows the neighborhood." Rhoda came, and Mr. Lloyd put the matter before her.

Sometimes deep clefts allowed the southern sun to pour a blaze of light down to the sea marge, and gave glimpses far above of strange and stately trees lining the glens, and of a veil of perpetual mist which shrouded the inner summits; while up and down, between them and the mountain side, white fleecy clouds hung motionless in the burning air, increasing the impression of vastness and of solemn rest, which was already overpowering.

Indeed, the Maidan is the centre of all that is grand and imposing; the shabby and the unsightly is kept behind, out of view. Facing it, along its eastern marge, stand the noble pillared palaces of Chowringhee.

However, after long parley, a priest said, 'What fear ye? Think you he will eat you? The dead eat not men. I will go in myself. So saying, he set his breast to the marge of the tomb and turning his head outward, put in his legs, thinking to let himself drop. Andreuccio, seeing this, started up and catching the priest by one of his legs, made a show of offering to pull him down into the tomb.

Mebby the woman would have cheated me, but I had Hauck on the hip because I saw him kill a man when he was drunk a white man from Fort MacPherson. Helped him hide the body. And then oh, it was funny! I ran across Bucky! He was living in a shack a dozen miles from here, an' he didn't know Marge was the O'Doone baby.

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