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Updated: August 15, 2024

"But tha writes i' such a fashion, I canna ma'e it out," said Morel. "Well, I'll write plain." It was no good asking Morel to answer, for he could scarcely do more than write his own name. The doctor came. Leonard felt it his duty to meet him with a cab. The examination did not take long. Annie, Arthur, Paul, and Leonard were waiting in the parlour anxiously. The doctors came down.

"If tha oppens it again while I'm weshin' me, I'll ma'e thy jaw rattle," he threatened from the midst of his soap-suds. Paul and the mother frowned to hear him. Presently he came running out of the scullery, with the soapy water dripping from him, dithering with cold. "Oh, my sirs!" he said. "Wheer's my towel?"

You talk of dry gripes; who ever heard of such a thing? What are they, and how is a person taken?" "Massa," said the old woman, "I tole you 'bout dem when dey got hold ob you. You ses nuffin to nobody, but you goes to de side-bode an' git sum Cider Berry Juice. Dat ma'e you feel good, an' arter a while you take sum mo' ob de juice.

Then, when the lad was thirteen, she got him a job in the "Co-op." office. He was a very clever boy, frank, with rather rough features and real viking blue eyes. "What dost want ter ma'e a stool-harsed Jack on 'im for?" said Morel. "All he'll do is to wear his britches behind out an' earn nowt. What's 'e startin' wi'?" "It doesn't matter what he's starting with," said Mrs. Morel. "It wouldna!

I arrived this morning because I had gone to the radio telescope to look for them.... Yes ... yes, most certainly I will try to find out who has caused them such trouble. Ali and Fuad are in Beirut. It is because of our father. You know that he has been very ill? Yes, by all means send a cable. It will be appreciated. And now, if you will tell Mr. Brant ... yes ... ma'e salamet Ellah, Mohammed.

"But because he's yellow in the face, as you say, Mr. Kirk," said the landlady largely, "that doesn't mean he has no advantages higher than what you have got." "Ay," said Kirk. "He can ma'e more money than I can that's about a' as it comes to." "He can make more money," said the landlady. "And when he's made it, he knows better how to use it."

Arena ter for gi'ein' me one for my bit of a lad an' wench? 'I ham, Walter, my lad, 'e says; 'ta'e which on 'em ter's a mind. An' so I took one, an' thanked 'im. I didn't like ter shake it afore 'is eyes, but 'e says, 'Tha'd better ma'e sure it's a good un, Walt. An' so, yer see, I knowed it was. He's a nice chap, is Bill Hodgkisson, e's a nice chap!"

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